ELEVEN: Can't Help but Give ain

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Elena knew she was dreaming, she had to be- there was no possible explanation on why she was back at that clearing... The very same clearing where Klaus killed her.

Killed Jenna.

And yet- she was literally standing in front of the altar, the shape of the three circles still burnt into the ground, the magic was still thick in the air- Elena almost was suffocating from it.

How was this even possible?

The wind danced across her face, voices called out to her- begging her to follow them, her legs moved automatically but they felt like lead.

An animalistic scream that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up, making her shiver- Klaus.

He was in pain.

Elena pushed on through, the further she got the more her legs felt heavy, there she saw him- saw them.

The Original family bound in a circle, connected by magical strings and kneeling in the middle was Klaus.

Voices echoed around her, chanting, Klaus locked eyes with her- someone was screaming.

It took a few seconds to realize that it was her that was screaming.

Screaming for Klaus, begging Esther to let them go.

Damon and Stefan held her back as she moved forwards, trying effortlessly to free the Mikaelson siblings from their bounds.

Elena watched in horror as Esther rose the White Oak stake in the air, the chants got louder as the Original Witch made the fatal blow towards Klaus's chest.

Your blood will end him. End them all.

Elena snapped her eyes open, closing them quickly as her vision was a little blurred, sweat caked her forehead as she sat upright and inwardly groaned- regretting it instantly.

Her heart was hammering away against her chest, Elena remembered her breathing exercises, she inhaled then exhaled- trying to bring her heart rate back to normal.

It took a few moments for her to realize that she was in her bedroom, at the Lake house and that she was no longer in her dress.

Someone had changed her, probably Caroline.

With her heartbeat now under control, she rose to her feet and headed downstairs- pausing as voices whispered harshly.

She knew those voices- Kol and Jermey.

Elena smiled softly, trying to creep by the closed door that was Jeremy's bedroom, only for her to walk straight into a chest- a familiar chest.

Her eyes glanced upwards, brown met blue.

"Klaus." Elena breathed, memories of the night came flooding back to her, tears filled her eyes and threathened to fall.

The thought of the stake pludging into his chest-

He looked at her with some sort of emotion that she couldn't decphir yet, she didn't care- he was here.

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