Chapter 14

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Over the next two weeks, Ben found himself without a single second of free time. He studied with Rani in the library all day and went up to his apartment to study with Sparrow in the evenings while Ms. Herrier sat on guard in the kitchen all night.

As if the weekdays weren't hard enough, on the weekends, he spent every minute he wasn't eating or sleeping out in the yard. He and Sparrow worked side by side under the close supervision of Mr. Willoughs, clearing overgrown brush and replanting flower beds.

"I mean," Sparrow said one Sunday as they were allowed a break for lunch. "I'm sore and dirty and bleeding in some places, but at least this place won't be such a dump when we're done."

Ben stretched out his aching back and groaned. "I'm not sure that's a fair trade."

There was one time during Ben's day when he could feel safe to do whatever he wanted, at night, in his room, in the dark. He would turn the key in the iron box and play the music while sitting in the window. It seemed strange, but there was something about that twinkling sound that drew him to it. He even found himself daydreaming about it while he studied and worked.

During these quiet nights alone, Ben turned to his father's guitar. Although he always felt the need to keep it close, he rarely ever opened the case, let alone tried to play it. He had listened to the music box for two nights when he finally took out the guitar, and from then on, he practiced for hours while everyone else in the manor slept.

He had no formal training, of course, but that didn't stop him. He used his ear to pluck the iron song out of the guitar's strings, taking his time to find and mimic each note. There was something deeply fulfilling in this experience. The vibration of each string played through him, and over time the song felt like it had always been a part of him. Like it was a lullaby he'd heard a long time ago that stitched together the happiest memories of his life.

After two weeks of living like this, with nothing but studying and working and secret musical nighttime escapes, Ben was surprised when Rani asked him to stay late after class. Sparrow gave Ben a worrying look, but Ben just shrugged him off and motioned for him to go.

"Is everything okay?" Ben asked.

"It seems you've been a completely different kid these days. Kestra thinks it might be because of my lessons. She says structure is good for making kids behave."

"Yeah, I guess that's it." Ben shrugged, "I guess between your classes and working in the grounds, who's got time to break the rules?"

"Oh, I know someone who would have found the time." Rani winked, and Ben knew she was referring to his mother. "I think it's good that Kestra is starting to trust you. She seems to be pulling back a little like she doesn't feel the need to watch you at all times."

Ben took a moment to consider these words. It seemed like Rani was letting him know that his time to act was coming soon. "That's good. I don't think she needs to. I just wanna have a peaceful life here."

"The thing is, I don't believe any of it."

Ben felt every muscle in his body stiffen. "What do you mean?"

"You were humming a song earlier today during our math lesson."

"Was I?" Ben shrugged. He didn't remember humming it, but it had so thoroughly consumed his thoughts he wasn't surprised. "Was it a good song?"

Rani leaned her head back as she looked at Ben. He could tell in her eyes that she was thinking deeply about what to do next. "I thought it might be interesting for you to note that I'm hosting my weekly game of cards this evening at eight o'clock. I love cards."

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