Chapter 20

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With Wish leading the way and Rani taking up a position close behind Ben, the three of them made their way towards the grounds. Ben could see that Mr. Willoughs was still standing tall, eyes intently scanning the grounds before him. Ben could see the brambles still whipping through the air and tangling up the beasts, which had changed dramatically since Ben saw them last.

The two monsters that had chased Ben out of the garden were twice as big as they were before, and sharp-looking spines covered their bodies. They were struggling against the plants that bound them, ripping up roots with their massive, dangerous-looking claws.

Another one of the monsters emerged from the garden, and Ben saw Ms. Herrier swipe at its face with her sharp talons. There was a splatter of dark blood on the ground when they made contact, and the beast screamed out. It swatted at Ms. Herrier, but, half-blind, it came nowhere close.

Ms. Herrier released a high-pitched cry as she plunged her talons into the creature's other eye. The thing fell over into the dirt and cried, thrashing out in every direction. One of its claws came soaring through the air, but Ms. Herrier was much too fast for a creature without eyes.

A fourth beast emerged from the garden and ran past its sibling, who was buckling under Ms. Herrier, quick and sharp assault. Sniffing the air, the newly arrived blood spawn turned its head towards Ben. It broke out in a gallop, shaking the ground with each heavy footstep. Ben was surprised to see Lolly stand up against it as it came closer.

"You won't be hurting that boy while I'm around!" She yelled and jumped towards the beast, revealing a surprising level of dexterity. At the apex of her jump, Lolly's body shifted and unraveled into thick, pale green tendrils. The mass of writhing tentacles parted to reveal a mouth that split her body down the middle.

With horror building inside him, Ben watched Lolly's wriggling new body chomp down on the monster's head and neck. The beat's body fell limp on the ground, and Lolly stood up straight, looking mostly human again.

"I've been so hungry," she said as she wiped the corners of her human mouth. "And there's nothing more delicious than freshly gestated demon flesh!"

"Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself, Lolly," Rani commented as they passed, "Do try to remember we're fighting for our lives tonight."

"Of course." Lolly giggled as she turned towards the two beasts that Mr. Willoughs was barely containing. "I won't have too much fun, but I will remember this meal fondly."

Her body unraveled into those slimy tentacles once again, and she slithered across the grounds, intent on consuming more monster flesh before the night was through.

"I think there are four more in the garden," Ben said, pointing to the twelve bloody spots on his arm. "I killed three when they were still small. Rani got one, then these four out here."

"We'll keep our eyes open in there, then," Wish said, "Don't worry, a couple blood spawn are no challenge for us."

"Don't get cocky," Rani said, "Four fully gestated blood spawn will be a handful, even if you were at your best, but we both know you—"

"Then we'd best get to them before they're full grown." Wish swept forward across the grounds. Ben noticed that he was leaving billowing black shadows in his wake. Shadows that seemed to be alive, clinging to his long jacket and trailing from his hands. He saw Rani generating her green light in the same way as it radiated and burned over her billowing skirts.

They ushered Ben past the blind blood spawn, Ms. Herrier still diving in to slash at it and keep it distracted. In the garden, Wish turned to Ben and said, "Close the door. We won't let the others out."

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