Chapter 3: A new you

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After landing at the airport in Rome, you realize that getting through checkout is way easier than expected. I mean, after all you do not have any luggage with you. Just a small crappy bag that you found in your hallway. 

Sanning your boarding pass and passport, you finally go through the last border. You no more on international grounds, you're now officially in Italy. What a great start to this summer. 

You now have no idea what to do. You have no place to go, no place to stay or see. You feel stranded at this huge airport that would take ages to get out of. You start searching and having a look out for someone who can help you. 

There is nobody. It is pretty late anyway. There are not many people at the airport. You start to realize that the airport has gone pretty quiet. All of the travelers have boarded their planes, or left somehow, towards their destination. 

You should too. But the problem is, you don't have a destination.

The whole area starts to turn sketchy. A desserted airport, and its dark outside. Can it become more weird?

Well in this case, yes. Yes it can. 

Someone is walking towards you, in a slow pace. It feels like your lucid dreaming-but you're not. 

This someone seems to be an airport staff. A guy in his late 40's. He has a very round face and a little nose. You realize it is the man that drove you out to the plane. 


That wasn't for real. 

It was just a dream. 

You try to ignore him and you turn around. Walking rapidly away from him, not willing to turn around. 

"Miss!" He yells, trying to get your attention.

Not willing to give him attention, you walk away and turn every corner in the airport, so you can loose him quicker. 

After turning a few corners you start picking up the pass, running. You and your small bag beside you body that hits against you every time you take a step. 

This goes on for a while. When you finally find an entrance, you exit the airport. Turning around, facing the outside of the airport, you discover that you are in a parking garage. An empty parking garage. 

Where are you? How do you get out of here?

This question needed to be answered soon, because panic is starting to flow over you. You have to get out of here. 

With no primary goal, you start running. You run towards the exit for cars. At this point all of your thoughts have gotten to you. You have a hard time processing everything that's going on. This cannot also be a rapid dream? For just 7 hours ago, you where safe, at home. Having your introverted mind when you just flew to Italy without even thinking or processing the idea long enough, makes it even harder to cooperate and handling all of this alone. You needed someone to guide you. Someone to guide you in life, and to stop you to make these dumb decisions, and to help you take the chances that are means for you. Was all of this meant for you? Where you meant to be running alone in Italy in a desserted parking garage?

Well right now there is no positive way to see this. Being in you own bed, under the covers is something that will not happen in a while. If you'll ever be in a bed again. 

This is what you would ask yourself if thinking right now would be possible. You're soon near the exit. The exit to freedom och to an unredeemed life. 

Finally being outside, you can finally smell the fresh air. The smell from car gasoline had drifted away and now it was an outdoorsy-aroma that was lingering around. A smell of grass, rainwater and fresh air. Very therapeutic and calming. You tend to calm down while sitting on the side of the road. Trying to clear your mind, figuring out what you are going to do about this messy situation you've put yourself in. 

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