Chapter 1.

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*Guests POV*

I heard my alarm clock ringing. It was such an annoying sound, I've always wanted to buy a new one. But oh well, I just don't have enough money for stuff like that. Gotta at least have something to eat.

I looked up, not wanting to stand up. But I knew that I had to, I shouldn't be late for school. I got up from my bed, blinking with my eyes till they finally adjusted. I stretched and got up. I plodded to my wardrobe and changed clothes, then I ate breakfast. I looked at the empty apartment, as always my parent weren't there. They were always on so called „business trips". I sighed and went to my bike and drove with my bike to school. It wasn't a long way.

*Timeskip to the break*

Since I wasn't hungry, I decided I'd study for the upcoming vocabulary test. It was tomorrow, but oh well. I walked to the library, since that is the best place to study. All tables were already full, despite one. A boy who looked like he was the same age as me, sat at an empty table and read. Since I didn't have another choice, I decided to sit with him. I walked up to the table and took out my notebook and pen. I wrote:

„Hey. Would you mind if I sit here?"

The boy looked at me confused, then realized that I was a Guest and therefore couldn't speak.

„Oh, no. You can sit here if you want to, there aren't any other tables anyway."

I nodded and sat down and got out my books. The boy seemed to read.

„What book are you reading? It looks interesting."

I showed him my notebook. He did a pretty long pause before answering, as if he didn't know how he should explain it.

„Well, it's sort of a fantasy book. It's about... Uh... Stuff? Sorry, the story is pretty weird and complicated, I'm sure it'd sound strange if I tried to explain it"

The boy chuckled. I smiled a bit as well.

„Well, what's your name?"

„Oh, just call me Guest."



„Anyways, my name is Noob! Nice to meet'cha!"

Noob said enthusiastically. I didn't really know how to respond to this... Hm, let's just say „Nice to meet you, Noob" or something. So I wrote exactly that.

„Nice to meet you, Noob."

Noob smiled at me.

„Well, what are you doing here? Studying?"

Noob asked. I nodded and showed him my book. Then I wrote:

„Yeah, I'm studying for the vocabulary test tomorrow. We had two whole weeks to learn, but here I am lol."

He laughed and put his book away to look at me.

„I have the same problem. I always say to myself: ,Tomorrow, you'll study for that test' and then it's evening and I never even began to study."

It was nice to actually have a conversation with someone. Usually, I do everything alone and nobody even notices I'm there, or they do notice but since I'm a guest don't want to do anything with me. I mean, it really is hard to communicate with someone who can't speak if you don't know sign language. I do know it, but I can never actually use it. And writing everything you wanna say down can take a pretty long time. So no wonder no one wants to talk with me.

„You can't be him"| Nooest/ Noob x Guest| Angst & Fluff|Where stories live. Discover now