Chapter 2.

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*Guests POV*

The bell rang, and I realized I would have to leave. I honestly didn't want to, since Noob was my first friend in ages. Wait... Is he even my friend yet? I mean, we just met and talked a bit, does that make us friends? Or do you need to do some more stuff together to actually become friends? I had no idea. How should I? I never had any friends.

„Ah, it looks like the bell rang. Wanna exchange numbers, Guest? You're a really nice person."

Noob asked and smiled. He... Wanted to exchange numbers?? Wow, I'm really lucky today, aren't I? I got out my notebook again, that I subconsciously already stuffed inside my schoolbag. I mean, I usually don't even need it.

„Yeah, thank you. That's my number: (phone number)"

I nervously showed him the notebook. He saved my number and then showed me his, which I obviously saved too.

„Okay then, we'll text later again, alright? Bye Guest!"

I smiled and waved at him as he ran out of the library, probably because he was late for class. I realized that I was late too, and began to run as well.

At class, I just thought the whole time about Noob. I was incredibly happy to have met him. He was a really nice and funny guy, and my first friend ever. To be honest, I just wanted school to be over so I could talk with him again.

So, I just drifted off and stared out of the window the entire time. I saw some students running to their classes, probably because they were way too late. I also noticed some birds that were flying from tree to tree. My teacher talked about some stuff, but I didn't listen. What subject even is this? Oh right, math.

„Guest! You should listen to me! Can you solve this?"

I immediately looked up and felt a lot of stares on me. I panicked and wrote:

„Sorry, I can't solve this..."

I did my best writing it in big letters, so my teacher could read it properly. She sighed.

„Okay. But really, listen to the lesson more."

I nodded and acted like I was listening, even though I wasn't.

*timeskip after school*

As I got home, I immediately jumped onto my bed and got out my phone and started texting Noob.

You: Hi Noob!

He immediately read the message and started typing.

Noob: Heya!

You: How are ya?

Noob: I'm fine, you?

You: I'm fine too, thanks.

Noob: Sooo, what are u doing?

You: Just sitting in my bed while texting u. School was as boring as always. And u?

Noob: Nothing rlly, and same, I hate school xD

You: Yeaaah xD

You: It was just hell today because I just wanted to get home to text u lol

Noob: Same tho

Noob: Do we wanna meet again tomorrow at the library at lunch break?

You: Sure!

Noob: Nice, looking forward to it :D

„You can't be him"| Nooest/ Noob x Guest| Angst & Fluff|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora