chapter 1.

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my eyes opened but what they were met with was darkness.

so this isn't just some 5 day nightmare.

5 days before:

"let's go soph we're gonna be late!" my best friend said, getting into her car.

"i'm coming i'm coming, just let me go inside and grab a jacket." i quickly ran back to my front door, it was opened just a crack.

i brushed it off, thinking i must've forgot to close the door and ran inside.

upstairs in my room, i searched for my brown zip up sweater, to which, i found.

a noise in the kitchen made me stop.

i quietly crept down the stairs and peeked into the doorway that lead into the kitchen.


stepping down on the carpet in the living room i sighed and walked into the kitchen.

as i was about to turn around to go outside and tell maggie what just happened, i was met with a pair of deep blue eyes, a black ski mask, and a frying pan to the head.

a day later i woke up here, and each night since, i keep falling asleep thinking i'll wake up in my own bed, with my own things, in my own house with my brother and dad.


but no, it's never like that. because everyday i wake up back in this shed of darkness, i haven't had any food, he's given me water once so ive savoured it for as long as possible.

i just want to go home.

my dad has to be looking for me, and he's the best.

just like the rest of his team.

Morgan, Prentiss, Rossi, jj, Garcia, and of course Dr. Reid.

whenever Jack and i go to the office, i always get excited to be able to see him.

i've always found him attractive, and funny, he's sweet.

but i only think he's attractive.

i have a boyfriend, Jake Walker.

he's not as sweet as Dr. Reid but i love him.

we've been dating for a year and a half, and yet Jake still acts like a dick.

at this point i deserve it.

he's cheated on me once, but he said he would never do it again.

he's also beat me a few times but he just gets...angry sometimes, i forgive him.


i don't even know what day it is.

i just want to leave.

i know that my dad and the bau will find the son of a bitch that took me.

this monster has raped me, hit me, sexually assaulted me, and more.


why hasn't he just killed me yet?

i just want to die.

i sat in the back left corner of the shed, having no clue where the fuck i am.

i have chains on my ankles, and on my wrists.

there's duct tape on my mouth, so i can't even scream for help.

everything's sore, my thighs, my arms, my neck and head, just everything.

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