The Takeout

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Gilly stared intently at the board. 

"Hello ma'am, how can I help you?" the person asked. 

She looked at Jax who was sitting in the passenger's seat and he nodded. 

She took a deep breath, "5 hamburgers, 2 with onion, the rest with none, and one with no tomatoes, 1 cheeseburger with onion, 4 large fries, 2 Pepsis, 3 Colas, 1 Mountain Dew, and 15 brownies please."

There was a moment of silence before the person replied, "That'll be $55.34, please move to the next window."

There was a pause before Gilly started the car again. Jocelyn glared at Maxine, "Did you seriously need to have a cheeseburger? They're so expensive!"

"Hey! At least I'm not eating meat!" She glared at the others. 

"Ladies, calm, please. Just get the food and let's get back to the stage." Jax interrupted, slumping in his seat. 

They drove up to the window, "$55.34 please." Gilly looked at Jax and he grumbled before taking out his credit card and handing it to the woman, passing Gilly, but Gilly took the card from him and gave it to the woman herself. 

Jax then proceeded to glare at her. 

There was a few moments before the woman handed Gilly the food, who passed it to Jax, who passed it to the respective person. 

"There we go, now back to the stage," Jax ordered. 

"Can we go to Red's? They have new arrows." Gilly asked. 

"You already have arrows, besides we can get them later," Jax said. 

Gilly motioned to the long line and Jax sighed, "Fine. But only 30 minutes. And I'm not paying. I'm too hungry."

"Oh, and can we go to Starbucks too?" Kayla asked from the back. 

"No Kayla," Ollie said. 

"I want to get Starbucks." Jocelyn protested. 

"Y-yeah, go ahead." Ollie shifted in his seat. Kayla huffed and crossed her arms as Jocelyn smirked. 

"Hey, guys! Look what I got!" Maxine said, holding a fortune cookie in her hand. 

"Huh. Since when does Flynn n' Out give fortune cookies?" Gilly wondered aloud. 

"Might be poisoned. Why don't you try it out, Gilly?" Jocelyn suggested. 

"No!" Jax exclaimed, "I mean, no. You can't just use Gilly as a testing subject." Jax blushed furiously and Ollie stifled a laugh. 

"Fine, but what's the message?" Jocelyn asked. 

Maxine crushed it open (Hey! Ogre fingers are hard to control!) and Ollie took the message before she could accidentally rip it. 

"Your destiny awaits you." he read aloud. 

"Seriously?" Gilly asked. 

"That's the message?" Jocelyn finished. 

"Yup," Ollie turned it over, "Hey look, some of the words are bleeding through. R, E, D, A." 

"That's so easy, unscramble it, it's read," Kayla said. 

"Read what though?" Maxine asked. 

"It looks like this was written by someone else..." Ollie pointed out. 

"Let me see that?" Jax asked and Ollie handed it to him. 

"Read, read, how about Belle's library?" Jax guessed. 

So our heroes drove to the library.

...Aaaand found nothing.

Just kidding they found the next clue in the potion book that Jocelyn had written that apparently, Ollie had on hold. 

"What? I wanted to see how good she writes." he shrugged. 

It was yet another fortune. 

"Life is hard." Maxine read out. 

Gilly snorted, "You can say that again."

"Life is-"

Everyone facepalmed. 

"Which words are underlined this time?" Jocelyn asked. 

Maxine flipped it over, "Uuh, none..."

"What!?" Jocelyn snatched it from Maxine and flipped it over before groaning, "She's right, nothing's there."

"Then how do we-" Gilly paused. 

"What are you talking about? The message is right there." Gilly said. 

Kayla looked at it, "Yeah, it's right there." 

Everyone looked at them confusedly except for Jax, "Maybe it's because you guys are fairies and we're not, so you can see the writing." he guessed. 

"Well, what does it say?" Ollie asked and Kayla took it. 

"Dance." Kayla read out. 

Everyone stared except for Maxine. 

"Ohh! I know! One of the kids I met at Mother Goose's Playhouse went to dance class!" Maxine said. 

"Do you know where it is?" Jax asked. Maxine nodded eagerly, "Great, let's go!" 

So they went to the dance school, where a class was just taking place. They found their next clue on the reception desk, in the bowl of candy. 

Jax read it out loud, "Practice." he said, and then folded it up, "I'm guessing..."

"The auditorium." Everyone said in unison. 

"Guess we're heading back." Kayla sighed. 

"Ah well, maybe they have cobblers there for us." Gilly thought out loud. 

"Or pie," Maxine added. 

"Or pattycakes..." Ollie said dreamily. 

But no, it was none of those. 

It was rather Flora waiting for them impatiently. When they finally arrived...

"BACK TO WORK CHILDREN!" she shouted and then left the room. 

"AND DON'T TRY TO SNEAK OUT!" she yelled from the other side of the door. 

Ollie, who was halfway there to the window shrugged, "Well it was worth a try..."

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