Kollie Feels, Ollie Kneels

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Kayla walked through the garden. 

She and Ollie had been dating for around two months by now. It had happened a few weeks after Jax had proposed to Gilly. Kayla had finally gotten her dream and opened a boutique, and she was already working on Gilly's wedding dress, which was looking absolutely fabulous. Ollie was off sailing somewhere like he was every few weeks, and even though she barely saw him a lot, they were still very much in love. When Ollie came home, he would always make time for her. He would follow her around like a puppy and would let her go absolutely nowhere without him. 

Kayla was walking around in the gardens for a bit of inspiration for a party dress she was working on for Princess Devin. The fresh air always brought new ideas. It was like breathing in a whiff of idea dust, which would make them sprout in her head. Fresh and new, never reused. That was her motto. She never liked reusing ideas, that made them boring. New things, now that was interesting. It was like eating a chocolate cupcake and then getting vanilla, they were both entirely different. 

Her phone dinged and she immediately attended to it. It was Ollie. Impossible. How was he supposed to get service way out at sea?


Kayla pressed the message and squealed. 

Ollie was coming home. 

But she was still suspicious. Ollie would always tell her beforehand that he was coming home, normally the day before. But in the message, he said he was coming home today.


Kayla straightened her dress and headed inside, where the place looked like a hurricane had run through it. Fabric was scattered all over the floor, and even a few needles in places they shouldn't be in. Such as the couch. The table had millions of sketches panned out over it, dresses, suits, even Halloween costumes for kids!

Well, Halloween was coming up, so she had a very valid reason. 

Kayla sighed. 

Time to clean up then...


Ollie tucked in his shirt. If Kayla ever saw him as disheveled as he was now, she would first clean him up, then hit him and mess it all up again, and then make him her model. Ollie was indefinitely going to do it. Jax's proposal to Gilly and indirectly given him confidence that he could propose to Kayla. Before he even asked her out, Ollie was terrified. Every time Jax would bring her up in the conversations that they had over coffee and crocodiles, he would immediately dismiss it. 

Of course, not that he wanted to. He could talk about Kayla all day long. She was so beautiful, so kind, but fiery. She was just...perfect

He wished he was like Jax. Then he would have the courage to propose to Kayla, and she would indefinitely say yes. Jax was perfect. He was smart, kind, handsome, everything Ollie wasn't. Or at least, that's what he thought. 

He unraveled the tiny piece of paper that Jax had given him before his last expedition.

"Head to this place and say my name. You're gonna do it Ollie, my orders." Jax had said. 

The only hard part was that the place was located quite close to one of Kayla's favorite places to get lunch. If she was there, then it could blow the entire thing. Good thing he had gone to a reform school for future villains and knew the Gillian Cobbler. 

He stalked through the bustling crowds. It was lunchtime and lots of people were shopping, enjoying lunch, e.t.c. It made it easy for him to sneak through the crowds without anyone really noticing him. 

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