Chapter Two - Watch where you're going!

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I was woken up by my phone. It was 8:45 and it was Ryan. "Hey Lexi so, it's time to Meet the vamps. They want to have a quick chat about the tour and what you'll be doing, so be ready by 1pm and meet us at nandos in town" as soon as he informed me I went in the shower and got ready straight away.

I wasn't really nervous I mean I haven't ever heard of this band but I just hope they're not like the rest of today's bands. All they like is fame and don't actually care about all the time and support they're fans put in. But hey I don't know them yet so...

My mum dropped me off and It had just gone 1, I opened the door and heard Ryan calling my name, I waved at him and starting walking towards the table. As I was walking some idiot barged round the corner spilling his drink all over me and knocking me to the floor. "Watched where you're going" i yelled. "Oh I'm so sorry" he said helping me up. "Ok let's start again, I'm Brad" he said. "Ok and now I'm late so bye" I stormed off not even looking back. As I reached the table I realised that this idiot was following me. "Do you have a problem" I said. "Well, hi.. I'm Brad from the vamps". "Great".
*face palm*

•hey so I know these have been short chapters, they will get longer I just want to start it off in small bits•

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