Chapter Three - Somewhere in between

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  • Dedicated to Viktor Takishima

Inside the box was a wide array of items, all random and seemingly brand new. I could see several boxes of ties, male cufflinks, a perfume, dress shirts and several other items that pulled at the strings of my curiosity.

"What is all of this?" I asked looking into the contents of the box.

"Just a few things, I got for you..." she answered, I wasn't sure but I felt as if I heard a note of nervousness in her voice.

"For me?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes, for you." She confirmed.

"You really didn't have to- I mean this is all too much." I protested gesturing towards the treasure chest she had laid open.

"Please, these are not something I just went out and got right now." She said.

"Then...?" I asked.

"I collected them over the years." She answered. "Whenever I liked something while I was out shopping or something, I bought it for you.

"Miss Mahako, this is far too much, surely you cannot expect me to accept this all..." I said. I realised then that this girl, whom I knew nothing about. This girl whose existence up until now, was of no importance to me had been planning for this day, this meeting since years...

"Viktor, ever since I bought that first tie, I've been imagining the day I would get to see you wear it." She spoke. "If you're not going to wear it, at least don't say you don't want it."

"It isn't that, it's just..." words failed me yet again as I turned to look at the open box again.

"If you don't want them, just toss them somewhere later but, take them for now..." she spoke looking downtrodden.

"Mahako, I couldn't even dream of tossing something as well thought of as these gifts away." I said quietly turning my gaze to her face. "It's just, this is too much, I mean I didn't bring anything for you..."

"This isn't a business transaction that you have to give me something in return for what I'm giving to you." She said meeting my eyes.

"That's not what I meant, it just ...doesn't seem right to take all this from you." I said sheepishly. "I mean, you must have placed a lot of effort in collecting all this."

"Viktor, I got them all for you. What would I do with them?" she asked before continuing. "Besides, it wasn't that difficult, every time I was out shopping I just kept thinking what would look good on you, and if something in particular caught my eye. I just took it."

I exhaled. "I see." I said still unconvinced.

"And besides, if you think I placed that much effort into collecting all this then are you going to let all that effort go to waste by not accepting it?" she challenged.

I permitted a smile at her, "No I suppose not."

She smiled her sad smile at me in response.

"Anyhow, may I see then?" I asked.

"Of course. It's all yours anyway." She said.

 I chose not to argue and picked up the first visible item on top. It was a classic silver and grey chequered tie, still encased in its box. I pulled it out of its packaging and ran the material through my fingers.

"Silk." I concluded from the feel of the fabric.

"It's supposed to be." She said.

"It's very elegant." I complimented.

I placed the tie carefully back in its original packing before picking up the pair of silver cufflinks in a glass encased box. They were plain and elegant and I could make out the initials 'VT' engraved in them.

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