Chapter 2: An Abnormal Creature

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Johan POV

As I layed there, catching my breath, someone found me.

???: "Are you okay?"

They helped me up. That's when I got a good look at them... what is this thing??

"What are you??" Then I realized that sounded like a jerk...

No ones POV

Johan's lime green eyes glimmered a bit in the light.

Johan: "I mean... uh... who are you?"

???: "Nobody important."

The stranger used some sort of magic, Johan's injuries almost instantly healed

???: "There." They seem to notice something strange about Johan, but don't mention it.

Johan: "...What are you, though?"

???: "I'm a 'monster'. I think you need some rest, and some food. Then I'll answer your questions. Okay?"

Johan: "Um... sure, I guess?" He noticeably wasn't sure if he could trust this stranger.

The stranger leads Johan to a small home. Strangely, it seems to already have two rooms, despite the fact that there's only one person there.

This just makes Johan more suspicious...

The stranger makes a couple plates of spaghetti, and Johan quickly eats. Then Johan is shown his room, and soon basically passes out on the bed.

Guess who it is

The next day, Johan wakes slowly.

He gets up, and looks around for the stranger, and finds them asleep in their room, and decides to wake them.

???: "Huh? What? Why? Where? When? How?"

Johan: "Sorry. But I want to figure out what you are exactly... you said you'd answer my questions."

The stranger sighed and sat up. "I don't want to tell you my name... but, uh. You can call me... 'G'?"

Johan: "Weird... but okay."

G: "I've been out here a while, ya see. I'm a skeleton monster, exactly. I'd really recommend you go back home now. Cause there's some monsters way more dangerous then that flower.

Johan: "I can defend myself."

G: "I can tell by your LV."

Johan: "What? LV? Isn't that 'love'? How does that tell anything?"

G: "It's at 3... it stands for 'Level of Violence'. It means you've hurt people, and shows your more able to hurt others.

Johan remembering what happened with that bully... he sighs.

G: "...Your soul is very interesting too. Seems like somehow you have a mix of two traits... Justice and Kindness. But what would that create exactly..."

Johan: "...What?"

G: "...Your soul isn't stable, either, however. It could possibly turn into a negative trait very easily... you should try your hardest not to hurt anything else, kid."

Johan: "Um..... okay...?"

G: "So... anyway. Explain. How did you use magic back there?"

Johan: "Magic? I... I'm not sure actually."

G: "Hmm... maybe it's due to your abnormal soul type... I might try researching it a bit. But you'll have to stay here. For like. Ya know. Months."

Johan: "Not like I'm missing anything... it won't hurt or anything, right?"

G: "Other than the pranks I'll probably pull on ya, course not. I made a deal that I'd not hurt a single human again."

Johan: "...But what if you didn't...?"

G: "Heh..."

His eyes vanish.

"You'd be dead where you stand"

Johan: "Geez!!"

G: "Come on. I'm jokin'!"

Johan: "You didn't sound like you were joking!"

G: "So? It was funny!" He chuckles.

Johan: "...You have a strange sense of humor..... anyway... who did you make that promise with?"

G: "...It's a bit of a long story. Ready to hear it?"

Johan: "Yes...?"

To be continued.

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