Chapter 5: Trait

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Johan's POV

I woke up

I felt as if I had been unconscious only a few seconds. But if felt hard to move. As if I hadn't in months.

Lights shine everywhere all around me. Bright... I closed my eyes and looked away.

???: "Y-Your awake?!"

"Yeah... wh-where am I...?"

???: "I'm Alphys. Th-This is my lab. Y-You've been unconscious for two w-weeks."

Johan: "I've what??"

Alphys: "I-It was necessary for the healing. And I had to study and fix your soul."

Johan: "My... soul?" I noticed mg chest felt strange... "...What did you do?"

Alphys: "It had broken to keep you a-alive... so I injected it with Determination."

I was very confused. "...How? That's a feeling, isn't it?"

Alphys: "Determination is... c-complicated."

Johan: ".....Why did you study my soul?"

Alphys: "Oh. Well. It has a strange trait. A mixture of two. I had to figure out yours to know if it can handle the DT..."

Johan: "...What is the trait?"

Alphys: "O-Oh... it's Selflessness. It means you only think of others, and try your hardest to be kind, and fit what others think is right, and that empowers you even if it hurts you... and now your determined to do so... but it's unstable, still... please try not to hurt anything. Even gaining 1 more LV, for all I know... could change it completely."

Johan: "...Selflessness... I see... that explains why I cared about G..."

Alphys: "G-G? You m-met G? Wh-Where?"

Johan: "I'll bring you there... wait... where are we?"

One map later and the two of them go off back towards G's house.

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