- Chapter XXIII: Hell -

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- Chapter XXIII: Hell -

     "Excuse me?" I said, pulling Sam by the arm to make him look at me.

     "It's the only other way I know how to get in." Sam said, shaking free of my grasp and continuing on.

     "Who picks up the garbage for a secret society fifty feet under the forest?" I asked.

     "The people in line to be changed. Like I was." Sam said.

     An awkward moment was cast over our small group until a sound filled my ears from a distance. At first it sounded like people screaming, but as we grew closer, I recognized the sound of machines at work. Hundreds of garbage shoots came into view and along with them the smell. I plugged my nose, but it didn't help. The smell of day old, maybe even week old, rotting garbage burned my nose.

     "Ugh!" I hissed.

     "Get over it. It isn't that bad." Sam said, picking up a cube of trash that had been smashed and grinded into the shape.

     "How do we get in from here, Sam?" Nick asked as he came up behind me with his own nose plugged. My eyes had begun to water.

     "We climb up those and avoid blades and mashers at all costs." Sam said, pointing to one of the tubes.

     "Sweet Jesus. Sam, did you said blades?" I asked.

     "Yeah," he said, smiling, "and mashers."

     He tossed the cube of trash at me and I hissed, batting it away.

     Sam and Nick started towards the tubes and I dragged my feet after them.

     "One tube per person," Sam said, helping Nick into a tube, "and you must be careful. The suction in these things are unreal."

      "I can tell!" Nick yelled as he wiggled into the tube.

     "Once you get in the presure should push you down into another trash room deep in the Compound. Enjoy the ride!" Sam said. Nick's feet vanished from sight as the tube pulled him into the depths of the Compound.

     "Your turn..." Sam turned to me.

     I moved forward, knowing I couldn't run. Dom was under me somewhere, and I knew deep in me that I wouldn't stop at anything to get him back by my side.

     I went into the tube head first, and the smell was unreal. It was as if someone had mixed together peanut butter, tooth paste, bananas, and used napkins and rubbed it against my nose, making it raw.

     I moaned, and before I knew it the suction was taking me down. Farther. And farther. And farther.

     I was beginning the wonder if the terrifying ride would last forever until I hit something. I couldn't open my eyes.

     Underneath me lay something soft yet hard in some places and smelt like rotting cheese. I was in a dumpster.

     "Nice hat." Nick said as he began to help me out.

     I opened my eyes to glare at him and reached to my head. On top of my hair was a dark brown, almost black, banana peel.

     I threw it aside and hissed at Nick.

     Just then Sam landed in a nearby dumpster with a grunt. He stood and jumped out with no hesitation.

     "Come on." he whispered,

     Sam pushed his body against the wall like a spy and began to stalk towards the opening to the room. He stuck his head through the door and motioned for us to follow. The hall looked exactly like the halls of the upper Compound. It was a white hallway with black stripe stretching down each wall. At the end of the hallway stood another door opening and a staircase.

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