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the man woke up feeling significantly better than the day before. the memory of a woman with glistening eyes and a pretty face taking care of him lingered in his mind.

he searched the mansion but found no trace of her, as if she had never been there. yet he was certain she had been, her touch and presence still vivid in his mind.

he didn't get to ask why or how she was inside the vangeance residence, but he recalled her mentioning the wizard king's approval and something about a dragon. these details, however, led him nowhere. 

sighing, he straightened himself, ensuring he looked presentable, before flying back to his headquarters to resume his duties.


"alright, be on your best behavior, okay? no sudden... weirdness," you told your dragon, who was contentedly licking her paws.

you knocked on the door. after a brief pause, a faint "come in" was heard. you opened the door, stepping inside with your dragon following close behind, and shut it gently behind you.

as you looked up, ready to address the wizard king, you were instead met with the same piercing purple eyes and scarred face of the man you had helped the night before.

a lump formed in your throat. he was staring at you, as if trying to place your face.

did he not remember you? that would be a relief. if he recalled your actions from last night, it would be incredibly awkward.

"pleasant morning, wizard king," you greeted, keeping your voice polite but soft.

"ah! what a coincidence to see you both so early," he replied, his eyes showing genuine surprise.

you exhaled slowly, feeling a wave of anxiety. 'why am i here again?' you wondered, glancing over at your dragon for support. she blinked back at you, completely unhelpful.

"uh," you fumbled with your fingers, avoiding eye contact with both the wizard king and the man beside him.

"i was, um, wandering around and was hoping to get directions to the library. most of the servants gave me these... suspicious looks. so, since you're the only one i know here, besides the captains, i thought i'd ask for a little of your time. if you're busy, i can come back another time—" you said, starting to retreat towards the door, eager to escape the awkward situation you'd walked into.

your fidgeting figure was enough to prove that you are not entirely honest and the wizard king understood the uncomfortable situation you're on, nodding with a smile that suggested he wasn't entirely convinced by your excuse.

'i believe this proves that they've already met, to bring no surprises.' julius thought, 'although i am curious, in which situation have they exactly met for the lady to be this distressed upon just landing her sights on vangeance.' with a suggestive grin, the wizard king continues.

"is that really all you need?" he asked, and you swallowed nervously.

then you heard a fake cough, causing your gaze to shift to the man beside the wizard king. when your eyes met his, an odd sensation flickered through you, making your heart flutter.

'what is this feeling? it's so irritating,' you thought, struggling to suppress a roll of your eyes as you blinked quickly to keep your expression neutral.

"ah! i forgot to introduce you two, if you haven't been introduced yet," julius said, his voice trailing off. you felt your cheeks flush as you quickly tried to respond, your words coming out in a rushed and somewhat incoherent manner.

𝖧𝖤𝖱, william vangeanceWhere stories live. Discover now