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akari woke up in an empty metal room, panting hard. she was covered in blood, which filled the room with a metallic aroma, making her stomach turn a little bit.

she could only faintly remember the events of the day before, like the curse king's laugh, the sevant daishou's shady grin, and the wide-eyed stare and tilted head of of mirah.


where was mirah?

akari had no clue, but she knew one thing.

she didn't care how long it took to find the red-eyed curse...

but when she did? that bitch was dead.

but when she did? that bitch was dead

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it had been four hours.

akari tried everything. every single cursed technique she had been taught; every way she had been shown to manipulate and focus cursed energy.

all of her techniques, which she had spent years- decades- of her life practicing and refining.


akari was now banging on the door, screaming at nobody in particular, not caring about the still-bleeding gash on her stomach.

"LET... ME... THE FUCK OUT!" she wailed as she banged on the door, each strike getting wearier and wearier, her once strong voice becoming hoarse.

haah, haahh...

what the hell am i gonna do... 

akari slumped down, a contrast from the bursts of slamming and yelling fits she just had.

i'm trapped. 

haah. hahh. there's no way out.

no... way... out.

her eyes drooped, and she breathed out deeply. what was the point of struggling? she'd die anyway, no matter how much she attempted to escape, she was helpless. helpless, helpless, helpless. 

her jujutsu... gone.

the one thing the gojō clan prided themselves as being, gone.

she furrowed her brow and tried to clear her mind. but that's when she saw it.

little scratch marks, of a single word, all over the shiny, thick steel of the room.

engraved by hundreds of lost souls, forced to this place. 

all in different handwriting, but telling the same story.


≿————- ❈ ————-≾

point of view (3rd person, but including their thoughts): sukuna

sukuna watched through the cursed crystal ball as akari's eyes widened at the scratches all over the steel cage. he watched her trace over the words and walk around the room, touching them all, trying to understand what had happened in the room. even though blood was still running down her torso, she stood watching; absorbing... understanding.

she's good... a little idiotic, but we can work with that.

"idiotic?" mirah says, lifting up a finger at the curse king.

sukuna head snaps up, and his face contorts into a scowl at the yellow-haired telepath. "i told you not to read my thoughts, did i not?" he questions sharply.

"erm, sorry. it's just... they're, ah, loud."

"haaah?!" sukuna exclaims, an irk mark appearing on his forehead. "what the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"ehm, it's like, i could hear your thoughts from a mile away, because it's like your mind is constantly... yelling?" the woman-like curse bites her lip, bracing for impact.

sukuna could tell that she was expecting an outburst from him, so he made a small "tch" sound and went back to watching the cursed crystal ball. he smirked a bit at the slightly shocked mirah in the reflection of the ball's glassy surface.

he was too busy watching mirah in the glass ball that he didn't realize what akari was doing util the last second.

"what the...!" he muttered, watching as the girl scaled the wall and used the blade that she was cut open with to unscrew the vent atop the room. she crawled up into the vent, then peeked out of the small hole and saluted to the angle the crystal ball was viewing her from. her playful yet serious demeanor, shimmering eyelashes, and ethereal appearance made sukuna squirm a bit. 

tch... what a brat. at least she's a smart one, though. we can make use of that. but why does she have to be so... distracting-?!

mirah bit her lip, but a giggle still escaped her lips.

sukuna turned around. "mirah... i swear to god, if you weren't so damn useful i'd have killed you on the spot." 

at this, mirah gulped, but a small, playful smile remained on her face.

well, i suppose i've got to get that pesky girl enclosed again... ah, i'd let mirah do it, but the girl seems to very much despise her... not that she's a fan of any of us much at all, though...

(sukuna did his best to think 'quietly' as he thought this so that mirah wouldn't make a comment, and was surprised to see that it worked.)

sukuna got up off his throne, the first time today, and started down the hall, white kimono trailing behind him. 

this won't take too long... i'll soon have her wrapped around my finger; under my control. hm, the things i could do...

suddenly mirah burst out giggling, and sukuna whipped around, instantly cursing himself for thinking 'loudly' again.

"mIRAH!! i swear to god i'm gonna kill you!!" sukuna growled, a light blush dusting his face. 

"hehe, sorry, sir..." mirah chuckled.

sukuna shook his head and started back down the hall. 

what he didn't realize, however, was that akari was long gone from the vents. 

in fact, the security of sukuna's domain were having a hard time.

the curse king had truly underestimated akari's ability, even without her jujutsu.

his fault, right? so he was the one who would have to deal with it.

≿————- ❈ ————-≾

word count: 913

status: not proofread (again-)

(sorry for the short chapter, i had a lot of family stuff happening over the weekend)

(thanks for sticking w/me though, i really appreciate itttt <3)

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