authors note

hey guys, if you read this please be careful with what you say, I suffered with extreme anxiety for a few months after me and my ex broke up. anything can set it off. this is the true story of my relationship written in the description and I will not reveal any names, my own or my exes or anyone else's.

this book will contain, the poem itself, a breakdown of each verse{what is there and why}

I will be getting very personal so be warned.

{anxiety, depression and thoughts of self harm mentioned}

please, be respectful.

as I am writing this for you, no updates to public knowledge this week.


so, once upon a time your author liked a boy, she wrote a poem on valentines day and gave it to him. he liked her back and they dated for nearly a year, then the day after her birthday they decided to break up as long distance wasn't working well. she was and still is heartsick. so she pulled out the poem she originally wrote to confess her love and finished it as she only wrote a single verse. and now I share it with all of you!!

I hope you enjoy my heartsickness of still loving my ex.


a poem I wrote for the boy I likeWhere stories live. Discover now