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DreamXD the deity is completely in love and enthralled by GeorgeNotFound. His kind ways and simple manner captivated him in every way. He would go to the ends of the earth and use every ounce of his godly power just to sneak a kiss from the graceful man. George's feelings and assumptions about the deity differed somewhat. Sure, he found the man intriguing, handsome, and enthralling. But there was something about that other side of him... the side where his voice deepened and reverberated and he could never remember what he had said after coming out of that state. That frightened George. And there was also the matter of Dream being a part of DreamXD.
The man George had once loved and was ravished by. Now locked in prison for the rest of eternity, never to hold, embrace, or kiss George again. George missed him dearly, the only time he got to see Dream being when he visited Ortheria. But even then, it was only in his dreams and he had no way of telling if the elusive beaches, the soft, cool colored, iridescent jungles filled with the noises of life, and stargazing in the treetop of their favorite canopy, was even reality. 
Or at least... some form of reality...
George desperately wished that it was. He knew it would crush his soul if he found out that all the late night conversations, the times he'd cried into Dream's soft shoulder, and the tender kisses under the stars were just mirages of his longing heart.
But that's a little after where we start in this tale... lets back up a little...


George jerked awake from another nightmare.

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