Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 emmy pov

2 years ago.

"Come on, let's go!" I called to Aiyanah

"Coming!" Aiyanah replied back.

We were heading to the local shelter. I recently turned 18. And have been wanting to adopt an animal. Not sure if i wanted a cat or dog yet. So we figured we at least go and look. There were plenty of different shelters after all. Sadly.

We pulled into the parking lot at the shelter. It was a hidden one you had to take a lot of back roads to reach. Secluded and open to nature. Few houses near it. There were only a few cars in the lot.

"Well! We're here-here goes nothing!" I chimed up. Less to Aiyanah and more to myself. The building was a standard one level house. A dirty white paint, with a blue paw print on a light brown door, with the word 'enter' on it. We reached the door and I looked to Aiyanah smiling goofy. She shook her head at me. Opening the door we hit with a range of smells. A mix between a hospital and a barn, with a hint of lemon, from the cleaning products. We stood there awkwardly for a minute before we spotted a bell on the desk. Seeing as how no one was in the room with us. I shrugged and tapped the bell a few times. Loud chimes ringing out, we only waited a few seconds for a petite women came in the room we a bright smile saying "Hello!"

I awkwardly replied "ah, hello" giving a small smile. Aiyanah nodding and giving a nervous smile next to me.

"How can I help you girls?" The women asked. "Um were here to look at some animals..." I replied. I've never done this before so I don't really how this all works.

"Oh of course, are you just looking today?" She asked as she started walking towards the back, motioning for us to follow behind her.

"Yes ma'am." Aiyanah and I replied in unison. Looking at each other we laughed quietly to ourselves. We entered the back, there were metal cages lined up. Some had animals. Others didn't. The first animal we saw was a small old dog. It was shaggy and had brown almost blackish fur. It was happily yipping,panting and begging for attention. We smiled at it and kept walking, saw a few cats, and 2 more dog. Pretty small shelter,not many guests right now. Which is a good thing,it meant most had found homes. We were reaching the end of the tour when i spotted a fair large dog. It must have been a mix between a husky and a wolf. Or a malamute. Either way, it was a big dog. "Ah,miss?" I asked

"Yes?" She responded.

"Um,what's the story with this one?" I asked kneeling down next to the husky mix. Its ear twitched to my movement. He was definitely aware of his surroundings.

"Oh, that boy?" She asked turning around. "He's a rescue, got shot with buckshot..."

I gasped and gwacked at the women " Seriously?" I asked

She nodded sadly. "He not for adoption though, he had a microchip, so his owners are coming for him....." She stopped to think " Actually I think they're supposed to be coming today." She said.

"Well,that's good...." I say

A ringing from the front caught our attention "Oh,someone here,best tend to it. I'll let you girls look around on your own." She said smiling,before walking away. Leave me and Aiyanah to ourselves. When I looked back at the husky, he was staring right at me, piercing silver eyes meeting mine. I couldn't move it was like I was stuck in a spell. My body almost tingled. His attention was ripped from me when a hyper high pitched voice screamed "RAVILLE!! MY BOI!!" A crazy looking lady entered the room, smiling widely, brown hair up in a ponytail, and goggles sitting over eyes. The huskey started growling, which made me laugh, i quickly covered my mouth. When the husky, vision came flying back to me. "Sorry," I say quietly "couldn't help myself. So your name Raville,huh? I like that name it suits you!" I say with a bright smile.

I heard another voice after the hyper womens "Hangi, calm down, you'll make everyone go deaf." He said chuckling. He had a baritone voice. And when I saw him I was surprised. He legit looked like captain america, except with bushy eyebrows. Hangi turned back to the man lofty saying "oh come on Erwin! We finally found our boi!" Grinning happily.

I started to stand up and move away from Raville. I turned to Aiyanah smiling, "well we should keep looking around, don't wanna keep then from the dog." I say

"Yup" Aiyanah replies curtly. I looked back down at Raville he was staring up at me. "Well,guess this is goodbye." I say smiling. For a second I held out my hand. Hoping i could pet him before i left. And sure enough Raville stood up and placed his face in my hand. I couldn't control the smile that grew wider on my face. I brought my other hand to his face and was stroking his fur. Being 5 foot 5 inches. I didnt have to bend down far for normal sized dogs. But i didn't need to bend down at all. The top of Ravilles head was to the underside of my breasts practically. Like i said, he was a very big dog. "Handsome boy.." I said under my breath. Smiling dazed like, Ravilles tail happily wagging back and forth. I hear a coo from beside me,looking i see Aiyanah and hangi with their hands covering thiermouths both doing "awe~~" Giving a strong laugh, i break down into giggles at their actions. "What?" I ask still giggling.

"Oh, it's just you two look so cute, and iv never seen Raville do that before, he hates being touched." Hangi says. I look at Raville supraised, then blush. Dogs are so special! Smiling i stepped away from Raville, "well, we better head out. Its..." I pause to look at my phone for the time "4pm already. And we have a way home still. " i say.

"Awe, i was hoping we could talk more! You and Raville seem to like each others company!" Raville moved towards hangi limping a little. I pulled up my phone and turned the camera. "Hey, Ravi! Look here!" I call to the husky mix. He turns tot

look at me. *click* My camera takes a good picture. "Sorry, hope you don't mind, we just won't be ever seeing you again, and i'd like to remember ya. ''I say. Patting the top of Raville's head. He tilted his head me giving me a curious look.

"Bye" Aiyanah and I made our way out. Saying a quick thank you and goodbye, to the women who helped us earlier. We got to my car,getting in. Aiyanah questioned me, why we bailed so suddenly. I didn't have an answer for her. I just felt like I should leave. We made our way to the movie theater to finish our day. Watching a nice and funny movie to end our day. Dropping Aiyanah off at her home, I say goodnight and drive home.

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