You say Potato

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It was a crisp, autumn day. Light breezes carried the boys as they traversed to the jazz club. Wing-tipped shoes stomped on the leaves. CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH!

Volnutt was walking with a skip in his step. Something good was to happen today. Next to him, Deku was wringing his hands nervously.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Deku stammered. "I don't think this would be the kind of place to bring-"

Volnutt looked down at him with a scowl. "Uraraka?" The boy nodded his head in response. Without a word of encouragement, the silence hung in the air. "I.... I'm not sure what to tell you, bud. We should get going." Before he took another step, the younger boy stepped in front of him, holding out his arms.

With an inquisitive look, Deku continued, "Is there something I'm not catching? I told you my story, but you've got to tell me your motivation for coming here." The older boy gave him a lighthearted laugh in response. 

Volnutt gingerly placed his hand on his shoulder. "Brave today, aren't we?" Then he cocked his head to the side. The smaller boy cocked his head, but still had a small scowl on his face. He knew he wasn't buying it. Typical. He made an annoyed click with his tongue. "Tell you what, I'll tell you as soon as we get inside. Deal?" Before Deku could give his answer, Volnutt was a few steps ahead of him again. He brushed past him with the same hand on his shoulder. A carefree smile was etched on his face.

"How about a hint!"


"Three guesses?"

"Try again, little man."

An idea came to the boy's mind. He walked a little ways behind Volnutt, who sighed. "Finally... some peace and quiet." Deku started whistling a short tune. A light skip in his step. They stopped outside of the entrance. Posters of a blonde-haired lady in a formal gown adorned the walls. Volnutt leaned over to a particular one. Deku pretended to skip ahead of Volnutt, then slowly turned the corner.

With Deku out of sight, he was able to express his true feelings. Volnutt took a poster off of the wall, tracing his hand over the face of a familiar star. He clutched a hand to his heart, and sighed. "I'll see you soon, my dear Flutter."

Deku peeked around the corner with a smug cat face. "Flutter? That's her name? You gonna butter her up, loverboy?" Pointing accusingly with a finger, an imaginary electric bolt sparked forward with his finger. "You're in love!"

One eyebrow raised, and the other lowered. Pained was Volnutt's facial expression. "Love... I'm not... in love... I'm here because I'm helping-," He moved Deku's finger away to boop his nose, "You." To his chagrin, the smaller boy's face was still smugly.

"Riiight." Volnutt suppressed the urge to grab him by the collar and shake him to no end. Not in public with concerned parents around. Another time. This pint-sized fun bar is not going to stop his conquest.

He put on a cat-like smile and said, "You're in looove with that singer, aren't you?" Blush appeared on Volnutt's cheeks, "I-It's not like that! You wouldn't understand, you're way too young to understand!" He jerked back his torso from the poster. He put a hand behind his head.

Deku triumphantly crossed his arms. "Yeah right, I can tell a puppy when I see one." He heard a "Tch!" from the latter. He saw his hand being waved in a manner to say, "Not now."

The young boy felt grateful for letting the older dress him properly for this occasion. It would've blown his cover if he had appeared in his normal clothes. Volnutt can be a hothead at times, but he wouldn't have a chance to reunite with Uraraka if he stayed curled up in the alleyway. The atmosphere here was really relaxing... it's rightfully earned its nickname.

"I'll try to find us a table," Deku said.

"Yeah, you go on ahead, I'll try to do some networking here," Volnutt replied.

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