Chapter 26

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"I recommend the escargot." Crowley said with a wicked grin as the group looked over their menus. They had just left the Luxembourg Gardens and were now at a restaurant that had caught Gabriel's eye.

"Daddy!" Eden glared at her father. Crowley shrugged, "Wot? It's just a suggestion."

"Now Crowley, we don't want to scare the poor fellow." Aziraphale said gently. He was relieved to see Eden in much better spirits today. He and Crowley stayed up with her until she finally fell asleep, curled up next to Star and Ducky.

"What's escargot?" Gabriel asked, genuinely curious.

"I don't think you would like it Gabriel, it's a very...unique food..." Eden began, but was interrupted by Shadwell, "It's snails lad!"

The Archangel paled. "Snails?" He knew what a snail was, ha and Eden had seen them dozens of times during their walks in Epping Forest.

"But that ain't nothin' compared to haggis!" The old Sergeant declared.

"Shadwell, no, not the haggis!" Eden begged but it was too late, the old man was already telling the Archangel about his favorite food.

Gabriel wasn't that hungry anymore.

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