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It certainly wasn't a tale as old as time.

Girl watches boy audition for the musical, readily becomes intrigued, Girl uses boy to get other girl to abandon the musical, the plan fails. Boy insults girl, she claps back and they understand each other better than anyone else. They become friends, he spins her around and she can't breathe. Then it all falls apart when she inevitably leaves and all she can do is pine over him at New Year's Eve parties while he sneaks glances at her with those soft brown eyes.

Gina is learning how to avoid him like the plague and it only serves as a reminder this story is anything but a fairytale. She wasn't a princess trapped in some tower, cowering in fear at promises of friendship and needing Ricky to swiftly come in save her from people wanting to sing audition songs together or co-choreograph a musical.

Gina Porter was a fighter. A fighter staying somewhere for the first time that has absolutely no idea how to handle it and the one person she wanted to talk to about it, she couldn't. She couldn't because every time she looked at him she felt a roller coaster of emotions. Windswept then happiness and the swift plunge into dejection because she'd remember he's with someone else now. He was with one of her friends, and the feeling of guilt is where the ride stopped. That was the part where she avoided Ricky's eyes at all cost while he would do nothing but try and search for hers, it was exhausting.

Avoiding the only real friend she'd made pre-staying at casa de la Caswell was turning out to be harder than she realized. It only became that much more difficult when a snowstorm had apparently boxed the theater kids in the school.

"We're trapped here??" Red questions, his eyes nearly bugging out of his head while he tries to pry the door shut in by the snow. Carlos was holding his Lumiere candelabra as means to navigate the group through the suddenly darkened hallway.

"I'm afraid so." An authoritative voice calls from deep in the hallway. Mr. Mazzara appears as if from the corridors of the hall flashlight in hand.

"Who's gonna feed the cows?" Seb's eyes widen asking the question to himself.

Carlos fixes his boyfriend an incredulous look, "You and those damn cows, we're trapped in our fucking school??" He incredulously replies.

"Language, Carlos. We're in an educational setting." Carlos rolls his eyes in response, "There's no one here!"

"There is no need to yell." Seb replies, shaking his head "Also they get hungry around this time!" He adds, exclaiming in panic while Carlos can only throw his arms up already exhausted with the conversation. He quickly turns back to apologize to his boyfriend now pouting in his arms. The sophomore purses his lips in frustration, and Gina sighs as she looks out through the glass. It looked really bad out there.

"Okay, okay let's not panic." Ashlyn calmly advises her friends, Carlos begins to pace.

"Oh my God, I feel claustrophobic already. I think I'm gonna faint." Red nervously admits through gulps of air, he clutches Ashlyn's arm in an attempt to stand upright.

"Red we're in the hallway, it's okay man there's a lot of space." Ricky reminds him, moving one step closer to him. He rubs his back, caring and attentive as ever. Gina starts to think maybe it wouldn't be so bad in the freezing cold with the snow barreling down on her instead of staying in a space trapped with Ricky Bowen for however long they were in here for.

"Just breathe babe." Ashlyn assures him, gripping his hand in hers.

"Where's EJ?" Gina asks now noting the senior had disappeared amidst the chaos.

"I found him on the second floor. He's going to get blankets from the basement supply closet. it's going to get cold with the power out." Mr. Mazzara addresses them all with his arms crossed.

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