Push and Pull

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Based on the summary for the episode 2x06, Yes and...

"The basic rules of improv are simple." Ms.Jenn starts looking at the liter theater kids in front of her gathered on the auditorium floor. The threat of North High had been imminent, she needed to get her kids ready for anything. Improv seemed like just the thing they needed to prepare to knock North High and stupid stunning-hadn't-aged-a day-highschool-sweetheart, Zach, right off their self-imposed pedestal.

"Basically all you have to do is bounce off of each other's energy, you both write the story within your dynamics." Ms. Jenn continues, ridding her mind of the thought of her arrogant ex-boyfriend that she was definitely over. "The only rule that matters; you just never say no." 

Gina doesn't know why at that moment her stomach drops at the reminder of the rule. She feels Ashlyn tuck her hand into her arm and hold it, she assuring her with her eyes she'll be her partner. With her for every step of this exercise. Gina thinks she can feel her heart grow three sizes, she really doesn't want to cry again today. She'd already had her fill of crying her eyes out today when Ashlyn had sung her 'home' after she told her she'd been planning on moving back home with her mother. She hopes Ricky hadn't heard their conversations afterward from his position by the door, she doubts they'd ever talk after all the terrible things they told each other but that is not how she'd imagined he'd find out she wanted to leave. Either way, It was safe to say that flight plans were canceled till further notice. 

"It's a no-no word." Ms. Jenn pointedly adds. 

"So just to clarify, no is a what word?" Ricky asks, his tone taking on an edge of snark. Gina snorts and looks down at her boots ignoring his faux innocent questioning face. She shakes her head at his sardonic questioning and rolls her eyes hoping it comes off annoyed and not impossibly fond. The pair are still mad at each other, so much so they stand on opposite ends of the room nearly at all times now, it's almost like they agreed eye contact was in direct violation to whatever code they enacted after their unspoken agreement in the hallway the night of the storm. 

The word had spread throughout the drama club that Gina had stolen Nini's phone to get the role but it seemed the whole thing had blown over, Nini assured everyone they were on good terms now and everyone had reconciled with the fact that the Gina they knew now wasn't the same person she was when she got here. It seemed Ricky was the only person who couldn't seem to move past that but today for some reason seems to be different. Nini still catches look at Gina in quiet awe just because she'd been amused at his joke, and as soon as she see's it, its gone. 

"A no-no word, Ricky." Ms. Jenn responds, not an ounce of amusement clear on her features. 

Ricky pushes down a small smirk and resists the urge to spare a direct look at the camera in the room. instead, he looks at Gina fighting a smile of her own. It's then he feels Nini next to him, nudge his side with her elbow with an imploring smile like she was playfully asking him to pay attention. For some reason, he thinks about last semester when she told him he didn't do commitment and that he should quit the play. He quickly rids his mind of that and gives her a tight smile in response. 

"But what if the prompt requires us to say 'no'-" Seb questions, his eyebrows scrunching in confusion. 

"Ah! No-no word." Ms. Jenn exclaims, pointing her finger at him. The blonde startles in response, his eyes now wide while he nods quickly agreeing. "Just be sure to add new information and stay in the present as you go, remember that anything goes. The world is at your fingertips, you're all young and imaginative use it."

Ms. Jenn looks around the room at their impassive faces and thinks that's the best she's gonna get so she claps her hands together, "Okay lets start of with some work in pairs then we'll come back together to do some group exercises."

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