Part 2

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he pulled me close and kissed me and as I let my lips melt into his he picked me up and stood making me wrap me my legs around his waist. he pulled back from the kiss but when he did he asked me if I wanted to go home now but I didn't and so I shook my head and he moved me up on his waist a little better and said: "good, then let's eat." I was confused but didn't protest as he swung me up into his arms like a prince being rescued. As we walked out of the room and he maneuvered us through the crowd toward the exit and thanked the bouncer for the night heading towards the back to his car never set me down, once we reached his car a man was leaning against it, and from what I could see in the dark he was about the same height as Alice and had long deep red hair and was just as built. Alice gave a small gasp that was almost inaudible and opened the passenger door setting me inside and as he put his lips to my ear he whispered: "family business, just wait in here." I nodded and right before he got out he gave my cheek a small peck to which I became hot and red but I felt happy and special but then my heart stopped because I probably wasn't the first dancer he brought home and definitely not the first he's made feel the same as I am right now but I couldn't help it and as I looked down I saw how lanky I am and what I was wearing did bring out a few of my curves.

after a few minutes of watching their dark figures arguing and get more distorted from moving in and out of the light, I grabbed my phone and checked to see if anyone texted me but thank god no one had because I didn't leave on very good terms with any of my family and most of my friend's were either at work or asleep by now so I just continued to stare out the window but they were gone and all I could see was the side of the club where they had left from but no sight of Alice or his brother which worried me but I stayed in the car not wanting to disobey him but not more than a few seconds later I heard a noise outside of the front of the car and so I looked forward and into the dark trying to see if I could find anything but there was nothing there but I swear the noise sounded like a growl of some feral animal but there was no evidence of what I had just heard so I went back to my phone going back and forth through different social medias until I heard the driver door open to wich I jumped back suprised mixed with a little bit of fear but Alice was to busy starting the car to notice so I compiled my composure and smiled as he backed out and headed towards the better half of town where he probally spent most of his time and as we drove I started to ask questions: "who was that?" "one of my younger brothers, Dean." "were you two arguing?" I continued to ask on and surprisingly he answered, "yeah, he's mad at me for fall- I mean for breaking a rule that our father gave all of us and it's just complicated." he seemed extremely stressed and upset so I decided not to ask any more questions and push my luck so instead I just rested my head onto the small ledge by the window and watched as we sped through roads filled with shops and restaurants whose's lights were bright and windows were filled with people who seemed like they were having the best day of there life or mabey that was me posting my feelings onto strangers faces which were flying past as he sped up and came into a more residential area filled with apartments and businesses but he didn't slow down not even as we passed a police station, he was gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were whiter than his bones were which scared me that we were going to get into an accident but instead of that he pulled over by a bunch of apartment complex's and leaned back taking his hands off the steering wheel and he seemed almost as scared as me but the fear didn't look like it was fear for himself or fear that the car was in danger but it seemed like he was afraid he was gonna hurt someone or that he might have just put a life in danger and he didn't know how to get out of the situation he was in but as soon as the look spread onto his face it was gone and he seemed cool and in control like he was perfectly normal and I truely belived that because he seemed so convicing and I felt so much better around him and again he always said I was his favorite but what if he said that to everyone but there might be the possiblity he didn't and that I wasn't being crazy. he pulled up into the large parking zone for the apartment and went to his assigned parking spot and once he parked he told me not to move so I didn't and so he walked over to my side of the car and opened the door swinging me out and back into his arms but as I wrapped my arms around his neck I protested: "I can walk ya' know...hey come on put me down! why are you carrying me again?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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