Chapter 9

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The rain has stopped and so I push my hood back down off of my head. I'm still sitting on the curb waiting for Abby to show up. She must've had some errands to run first. I don't mind because I don't really feel like explaining the whole situation at the moment. I'm sure my hair looks a mess but as terrible as I am feeling right now I could care less.

I am fiddling with my phone trying to make myself look busy when all of a sudden I see someone walk up beside me. I stand up still looking at my phone, "Hey Abby, I thought you'd never sh-" I stop speaking as I glance up and ralize it is not Abby I am talking to but a taller man who llooks to be around his mid thirties. "I'm sorry... I thought you were smoeone else." I say and turn to walk away. "No. Please I need to talk to you about something." He says.

I stop and turn back to face the strange man. "Excuse me Miss, but are you Liv? Liv Brooke?" I stand there pondering how this man knows my name, and if I know him. "Umm yes I am Liv Brooke, who are you?" I ask him. "My name is Paul, and I had very strict orders to give you this note." The man says, out stretching his arm and handing me a folded up piece of paper. "Who is this note from?" I ask him. "You'll have to read it to find out." He replies, turning back around and walking away.


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