First Instance

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Fitz is always making Sophie mad and cry. Always? What?!  Ye, Always. If it isn't small references, then its big life changing moments that are crazy big catastrophises. There are three instances that are very big and life changing ones 

(A/N: I can't remember if there are any other ones. If you're thinking of one, then don't forget to comment!)

When Fitz blames our dear Sophie about Alden's mind break. Logical, logical, logical thinking says that it was out of control. It can't have been anyone's fault. A mere accident nonetheless. But lets say Ritz got mad, okay fine. But he got mad at the one he claims to love, and that's not how true love works. That isn't perfect, which means its got fights, which means its cracked, which means the ship has sunk. We all know in the end Messenger broke them up and got Sophie closer to Keefe. Why you ask? Because he 𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓸𝓸𝓸𝓸𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓼 her. For real. She's the one that keeps him going and he cares for her a͓̽ ͓̽l͓̽o͓̽t͓̽. More than you could ever imagine. Every thing he does, he thinks of Sophie. Every thing he says, he says it for Sophie. Making her happy, making her laugh, not caring who she ends up with, as long as she is happy. Not him, her. He cares a lot, and that, my friends, is true, dear, never-ending love.

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