01 ; the jacket you gave

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He can't get those words out of his head.

It's hammering itself deeper in, eliminating any chance at being removed. It's slowly sucking the life out of him, but he doesn't mind it. What's the point when he's wasting his life away anyway?

Taehyung's fingers curl around the neck of the metal can again. He's all too familiar with this feeling. The coolness of the beer can stings under his grip, the weight lessening as he glugs down the liquid within. 

If only he could drink away the sadness.

He was hoping he could, because maybe that would help him feel better for once. All this drinking only gives him a headache and perhaps a short escape from this feeling of desolation when he slips into a deep slumber. 

The can crunches under his strength when he realises that he's out of alcohol again. Tossing the can away into a corner, Taehyung struggles to get up on his feet. When he does, he's greeted with the same scene. Dozens of empty beer cans littered across the cold wooden floor, a stray streak of light barely shining through his curtains, and the absence of other living organisms. 

Except the mold growing on the food in his fridge, maybe.

Frustration starts to multiply in Taehyung's chest because he knows that it's time to clean up. But really, what is the point when he's the only one living here? Breathing deeply, he clears a path by sweeping away the litter with his feet. 

Taehyung grabs his keys, a lighter and his cigarettes before getting out of the house.

It's silent in the corridors of the building where he's staying at, which is strange since it's barely evening time, but Taehyung doesn't pay much attention to it. His main purpose of going out is to buy some food and more alcohol because his supply has already depleted.

The run down elevator brings him down to first floor and he walks towards the nearest convenience store in his neighbourhood. The gentle twinkle of the bell alerts the part-timer of the new customer. She raises her head quickly only to see that it's the same man she's been seeing the past few months and the smile quickly hardens.

She knows him all too well.

He used to walk past the store with someone else, a girl. He used to be all smiles when he's with her. They've never talked much previously but just looking at him is enough to tell her that he's changed.

Without a clue on the thoughts running through the part-timer's mind, Taehyung continues to brush past each aisle until he reaches the back refrigerators. His hands wrap around the door handle, pulling back with force and an instant blast of icy air embraces his body. He shivers slightly but quickly recovers and grabs can after can, throwing them into his basket carelessly. 

Then he moves on to the instant food section. One glance at the price is enough to deter him over to the instant noodle section. His eyes quickly scan over the price tag before he decides that he has enough. 

He makes his way over to the cashier where the lady behind the counter rings up the items for him. She doesn't say anything but all that's running through her mind is the leather jacket he has on.

His hair looks slightly unkempt but strangely fitting on him. The ends of his hair show evidence of a perm long faded away, and his nails slightly longer than they should be. The only thing decent about him is the black leather jacket he dons.

"Thank you," Taehyung mumbles to the cashier before making his way out of the store and sitting under one of the parasols outside the store.

He quickly reaches for one of the beer cans. With a refreshing burst of release, he brings the drink to his mouth, ready to down the can to soothe the thirst in his heart.

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