"Hawkeye" not "Hawkguy"

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In this oneshot vision is apart of the team. A few months ago Nate had come to visit which ended up going sideways. You know how it is.

Anyway Loki was able to sneak some tech from him. He was caught using it for his own personal shenanigans and forced to hand it over when David had the great idea of repairing the synthezoid.

Also they really needed the extra fire power and the kids missed their friend.


In the city of Manhattan the The Young Avengers had just finished stopping an alien invasion. Cliche, I know right?

It was the skiffefuffles. This type however were highly advanced versions of themselves from future. To be more specific the 30th century. This had Nate written all over it.

In fact, lots of recent events have had him written all over it and left the heroes having to clean up his messes. So much for trying to fix things and NOT become your infamous time conquering self from the future.

Everyone who strays from the path of destiny ends up facing it anyway. There is no escape.

"Ugh, I knew I shoulda finished off that bastard the last time I saw him. Look at the damn mess he's making! I get tryna bring the love of your life back from the dead but not if the ends won't justify the means. And especially if I have to deal with it!" America growled while launching an enemy into the air by their foot, sending them most likely to space.

"Well you could've if 'Hawkguy' over here didn't talk you out of it." budded David.

"Hey, I don't condone killing unless absolutely necessary. And it's 'Hawkeye' Prodigy. I know you know that." added Kate.

"Well maybe if America stopped listening to her precious little 'princess' and actually thought for herself once in a while, we wouldn't be dealing with this." said Eli.

"Excuse me, chico! You wanna go join her up in space? Because it's sounds to me like you have a death wish!" America put down the skiffle she was about to bash in the head and directed her attention to the super-soldier.

"No one is sending anyone to space. Besides you'd have to get through me before that'd ever happen, America. But I know we're all a little tense right now so-"

"Wait a minute." Interrupted the Utopian. "You don't think I can beat you?" She asked out of shear shock.

"Do you honestly honestly think you would be a challenge for me? Do you know how many Skrull and Kree I've beaten?? You do see how easy it is for me to rip the heads of my enemies off right?"

"America-" Billy started but was cut-off.

"And do you know I'm basically invulnerable just like you right? And have an incredible healing factor not to mention my combined endurance and strength. So the fact that you think I couldn't is kinda bugging me." Hulkling said walking up to her and crossing his arms.

"Guy's let's not do this right now. We just got done fighting some aliens, we don't need to see two more go at each other."

"Shut up vision, or you're next." Snapped America. "Or do you like being a pile of wires?"

"Ooooh" added Tommy. Kamala who also happened to be there, slapped him upside the head. "Ow, what?" He asked. She just made a face.

"Aw, c'mon don't be like that Chavez, that was mean."

"Howabout you stop telling me what to do and stay outta this Katie."

"Why? Cuz you know that you can't ever say no to her?" Budded eli once again.

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