-Anger took over-

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1000 reads special! Holy- uhhh thank you readers, I don't know what to say but enjoy?


Y/N had an idea. Since Albedo wasn't really into showing emotions, Y/N thought what if they pushed Albedo's buttons?

But how? Y/N wondered. What could make Albedo upset? So they tried different things. Such as..

-Hanging out with someone else the whole day, hanged out with Kaeya, Xiao, Childe. Albedo didn't really seemed to mind.

-Tried breaking all the potions Albedo had made. Didn't really work either

-Tried ignoring him

-Tried bothering him

Nothing just seemed to work. Y/N sat there looking at Albedo.

"Hey Baedo, can you tell me about your master aga-" Y/N was cut off by Albedo accidentally breaking a test tube.

"Mm." He gave a small growl.

"Huh? What hap-"

"I would like you to be quiet Y/N." Albedo said.

"Huh? But why?" Y/N tried hiding a smirk.

"Mm. It might lead to something you won't be able to get out of." Albedo replied.

"And what could that be Mr. Albedo?" Y/N had a full smirk now.

Albedo chuckled.

"To wipe that smirk off your face and break you."

"Wait wh-" Y/N was harshly pinned against the table.


Albedo laughed.

"You should of seen the look on your face Y/N.." Albedo got off of you.

"Did you really think I would hurt you?" Albedo asked.

Y/N got up kinda embarrassed.

"Ah, or were you thinking something else?" Albedo smirked.

"No- no no- uhh-" Y/N was at a loss for words.

"I..honestly don't know what I was feeling. All I know was that it was uncomfortable." Albedo said.

"Wait- did you actually get mad?" Y/N asked.

"Perhaps..All those things you did, did bother me." Albedo sighed.

"Uhm- sorry?" Y/N let out a nervous chuckle.

Albedo slightly chuckled.

"Show me how sorry you are."

-Albedo Kreidprinz-Where stories live. Discover now