-Carnival Date-

417 17 3

"Albedo! Come come!" Y/N yelled, waving their hand in the air.

Albedo laughed. Standing next to Y/N.

"Mm..Would you like cotton candy or candy apple?" Y/N asked.

"Whichever you prefer" Albedo smiled.

"You can't do thattt! I like both.." Y/N started thinking.

"Hmm what about you get one and I get the other one? Though which should we get.." Y/N stood there wondering.

Albedo just stared at her.

"You're very adorable Y/N, I'll take the cotton candy" He smiled again.

Y/N put thumbs up and laughed.


Sitting on the Ferris Wheel, both started to get a little nervous.

"Uhmm..I'm a little scared of heights.." Y/N said.

Albedo held out his hand. Y/N held on to his hand.

"It's okay, this moves slowly, try relaxing." Albedo smiled again.

"Your hands are soft.." Y/N said then breathed. Looking down at their feet. When they looked back up..

"Y/N.." Albedo called out.


"May I kiss you?"

Y/N nodded.

-Albedo Kreidprinz-Where stories live. Discover now