Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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Little did she know it but the way the sun had risen, told her everything about how today was going to go: beautiful. She had been seriously dreading this day ever since she had found out she'd be moving. Her dad got a promotion; he was now the CEO of Move Entertainment so without a question, the whole family was packed up and ready to go, all the way across America to the city that never sleeps, Manhattan NY.

Honestly, she didn't know what to feel, I mean how could she? Everything she's ever known was now thousands of miles away. Any comfort or sense of reassurance was out the window, yet here she stood getting ready for her first day in her new high school . She was hoping to maybe make some friends but she didn't really expect much . At this point her mom was bellowing from the bottom of the stairs for her to come down for breakfast. Great. She was already running late for school. Fumbling, she put her hair up in a simple low bun, put some mascara and lip gloss on, and walked down the stairs wearing a creamy beige sweatshirt and some jeans.

"Thanks mum" she said, while chewing a breakfast bar on her way out the door. 

She made it, just in time. She was walking through the school doors just as the bell rang. She spotted a sweet looking girl with curly brown hair, a pair of specs and the cutest freckles. Nervously, she asked if she could help her find her next class. She said her name was Kaia . Luckily for her, Kaia was in her next class so they walked together to the first class of the day, English.

"Good morning class , today we have a new student joining us, why don't you go and take a seat next to Kaia? I'll get your textbooks sorted." announced Miss Blair. 

She could feel the dozens of glares as she walked down the aisle. A drop of sweat slowly trickled down her forehead. The one thing she hated more than anything in the world was being in the spotlight, the centre of attention, the main attraction. From the corner of her eye, she notice a particular person. His dreamy smile hung in the air; His full ebony hair drooped into curtains around his sharp structured face. Those deep earthy hazel eyes could tell a million stories and she could definitely get used to those. She found herself staring intensely at his lips moving up and down, breaking into laughter once in awhile. She instantly felt relaxed and somehow safe. However, she wasn't the only one aware of her staring. He caught her gawping at him and chuckled. She snapped out of it quickly and only realised what had just happened when she took her seat. She wasn't the slightest bit embarrassed, she was over the moon in fact. I mean, she just got a free pass to endless daydreams about this boy who already had her heart within 5 seconds of knowing about each others existence. 

The bell sounded and she chucked everything into her backpack and found Kaia waiting outside the classroom along with two other girls. Kaia introduced Celina first. Her blonde hair had beautiful layers and framed her small face perfectly. She had Immaculate style too, she was wearing a sage green ruffled crop top with a pair of light blue jeans. Celina was the most beautiful girl she had ever seen. Beside her was Lena. Lena had short brown hair styled to perfection, in beachy waves. The purple top she was wearing brought out the warmth in her brown eyes that looked like pools of brown honey. After everyone was acquainted, the girls began showing her around.

They went together to their lockers and then to lunch. At this point they had reached the lunch tables and she could already see that everyone belonged somewhere and if they didn't well, all there was to say was good luck. Kaia began to explain little bit about everyone and there sort of "groups"

"Over there are the jocks, that's their table and those girls over there, the popular girls practically drool over them." Kaia said. They couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Oh, and those girls over there, they are the art hoes and you'd think they'd be interesting, but God, they are the most boring people on this planet." said Lena

"Yeah and that group over there, I wouldn't look at them for too long, if I were you." added Celina. Her eyes got lost in the sea of black, she couldn't tell if she liked it or not. Though the grunge kids certainly didn't enjoy the attention. Kaia was about to say something but nearly everyone fell silent. One of the jocks was getting up and he was taking long big strides, walking right towards them. 

She realised he's the one she can't for the life of her stop thinking about, the one she's been daydreaming about all day long, the one that's infested her brain with his gorgeous smile and stunning face. The way this was happening, surely not, the most popular boy in high school was actively walking up to her. He stood so tall and walked with such confidence whilst everyone stared and watched. His presence was overwhelming as he looked down from his 6ft 2 self. He stopped right in front of her and ran his fingers through his long luscious hair

"Hey, Ms Blair said I should fill you in on everything we've been learning. So, if you're down I'll pick you up at 6 and we can go to the library." the words flowed through his mouth. 

Unlike him, nothing was coming out of her mouth. She felt a nudge on her arm and remembered a conversation worked both ways.

"Uh, yeah, sure why not." she replied hastily, struggling.

"Nice." he began to turn around. "Jacob, by the way" he remembered "The name's Jacob."

"I'm Aurora, nice to meet you" she said with a little more confidence this time.

"Well, nice to meet you too, Aurora" said Jacob "I'll see you later."

Her new friends almost couldn't believe it. Good thing Aurora found them before all the popular girls started getting quite jealous of her. Her friends were so excited for her and they gushed and admired Jacob all the way home Aurora couldn't wrap her head around this: senior king, Jacob Green was going to pick her up sooner than later. I would say, for the first day of school she didn't do too bad for herself, she survived and it wasn't as bad as she thought.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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