Chapter 1

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    When I opened my eyes I saw my favorite color, baby blue. I take a deep breath in, hold it for a few seconds , and let it all out. 

   Hi! My name is Emara. I'm a 15 year old Native American from Dulce, New Mexico. Now that I've introduced my self I have to get ready for school. My outfit for today is a dark green long sleeve t-shirt tucked into some dark blue jeans with a belt. I put my thick mahogany brown hair into a simple ponytail. I look at my reflection in the mirror and see my square figure. My body is not perfect but its mine. 

  I look around my room to see if I'm missing anything, its a little messy but I can clean it later.  I suddenly remember that I'm missing my ring and start looking for it. It was the last thing my father gave me before he died in a car crash so I have to have it with me. I find it on my  night stand next to my old water from last night. After I put my ring on I chug the rest if the water in the glass. Looking at the analog clock on my book shelf I realize if I don't leave now ill be late for the buss. i unplug my phone, shove it into my pocket, and dash out of my room. Before I leave the house i check to see if my mom is awake or not . She's not. So I leave a sticky note saying Ill be back at 7:30 p.m for dinner. Its a Wednesday so I have work at the gas station after school.

  I pick up my bag and leave the house making sure to lock it so no one breaks in. I hear the bus coming up the rode, so I jog to the stop sign at the end of my rode and wait. A few other kids are already there waiting, but I don't say hello. I don't really know them any way. A few minuets pass and he buss is here every one gets on before me, but I don't mind. I step up the stairs to the bus and say hello to my bus driver Mr. Tony. " Hey, Mr. Tony. Its good to see you back on the job." I greeted him with joy in my voice." It's good to be back ,Kid." he replied. Mr. tony was sick for a few days so he couldn't drive the bus for us. instead Mrs. Keelbug drove the buss. She isn't mean ,but she isn't nice either. I take my seat at the middle of the buss on the right. i usually sit a little more in front but its already full up there. I pull my phone out and put my earbuds in and put my playlist on shuffle. Still into you by Paramore starts playing and i stare out my window. I kick my feet a bit and hope I don't kick the seats in front of me. Eventually a kid a year younger than me sits beside me. I don't pay him any mind just like any thing else right now. 

   Soon enough the buss stops and Mr. Tony loudly instructs us to get off the buss roll by roll. I eventually get off and say bye to him and walk a little towards my school. before I enter I take a breath in and prepare fore hell.

A/N :

Hey who ever is reading this I hope you like the chapter, sorry it took me a while to write this its been a stressful while, but that's over now. 

Word count:617

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