second best

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second best.
that's always the place I seem to rest.
doesn't matter where, doesn't matter who
my friends, family, even to myself
I'm not as important and it's fucked up my health
I never really seem to matter
well, I do, but not before their other friends
the ones who can laugh with them, where conversation never seems to end
and it sucks, it really does
but I'll be fine
I'm used to being put second
even in my own mind
when my best friends have people closer
and my family has others they want to hold tighter
and when I don't care enough about me to take care of myself like I should be
I'm sick of all of it
but at the same time I don't care
really my main goal is to just stay out of everyone's hair
I may be loud, but when it comes to my issues I'll be quiet
I always feel the need to just shut up and hide it

hey Lucy I just wanted to let you know you didn't read this okay okay 🤪💅

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