Another noise complaint

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-Yuma's POV-

It was after school and I was hanging out with Shark. We were just walking downtown together and talking.
"Y'know what, I'm getting kinda sick of Vector and Alito always fighting over me" I said. "Honestly, I'm tired of their bullshit too. They can't be near each other for one second without starting a damn fight. And I'm just sayin', I don't reccomend you consider any of them. But if you somehow started to like one of them back... It's just not a good idea, especially because one of them is Vector" Shark replied. "I don't think I like one of them back... I don't want to, that's why I try my best to avoid them whenever I can" I told him. "They're always uncomfortably close to me..." I continued.

"If you don't like what any of them are doing then just tell them or walk away" He said. "I've tried to do those things but they just don't listen. But thank goodness I'm not in the same class as them or I wouldn't be able to sleep" I said. "It's not really any of my concern but you shouldn't be sleeping in class, Yuma" Shark told me.
"I know, I know! I've been getting kept up at night" I said. "What from?" He asked. "My phone keeps going off like crazy when I'm trying to sleep because of Vector and Alito" I told him. "Then... turn it off, maybe?" Shark said. "I do but... I can see Vector staring at me through my window every night... and then Alito comes along and they start fighting outside of my house..." I told him. "What the hell?! That's messed up! You need to get a trespass order on them" He said.

"How do I even do that?" I asked.
"I dunno" He responded. "Anyway, and then the police end up showing up because the neighbors make a noise complaint and I'm probably going to get kicked out of my house soon. The police question us but they don't seem to be convinced that it isn't us and it's freakin' Vector and Alito!" I said. "GRR! What is wrong with them?! If they liked you, they'd realize what they're doing is wrong! Stalkin' you and shit. Do they even know that they could get you kicked out from all that bullshit outside of YOUR house?!"
Shark exclaimed. "It should be okay, I hope..." I said.

Later on I walked home and sat down on my hammock, playing Duel Links on my phone until I saw it again... Vector staring at me through my damn window. He really needed to give this up. And before I know it Alito showed up for this usual routine... I went over to my window and stared outside at them in disappointment while they argued over me outside. I could hear them yelling "He doesn't like you!" "Well, your an idiot if you think he'll ever like you!". Jeez... they need help.
It took moments for the police to arrive. As usual... Kari and my grandma haven't questioned me about it since I'm not part of their argument (But I am the topic of it...)
and they could just be some random drunk guys fighting on our yard. But... I know them unfortunately...

As the cops arrived, Vector and Alito had ran off to who knows where.
Again, the police knocked at our front door and I went down to answer it this time instead of my sister would usually do. I opened it to red and blue flashing lights and an officer at my front door. "This is the last straw... your neighbors keep complainin' about your crap all the time" He complained. "But it's not even us! It's these crazy guys picking a fight in my yard!" I protested. "Whatever. Ya landlord is prolly gonna kick ya out soon" He told me. "I can prove it! It's not us!" I said. "And just how are you going to prove it?" He asked. "Well, I knew you would come back and I decided to record some footage on my phone!" I told him.

"Hmph. Wheres ya caregiver or parents?" Asked the officer. "My sister is in the kitchen" I said. "She'll need to take you into the station tomorrow to show us this proof to your landlord and they'll decide if you stay and these people you say are fightin' outside of ya house, we'll decide what happens to em" He said. Damnit... I have to tell them to stop it or they're probably gonna get arrested. I don't want my friends to get in trouble.
"Well, cya another time kid. hope not" Said the officer. I chuckled awkwardly "Haha... hopefully not in these circumstances...". The police left and I went to the kitchen to talk to Kari. "What did they want this time?" Kari asked. "They want us to come into the station to talk to them about the noise..." I told her. "Okay... answer this honestly, Yuma. Do you know who they are?" She asked. "Yeah... they're some friends of mine who don't like each other very well for stupid reasons" I told her.

"Do you.. know why?" She asked.
"Uhhh, nope" I said awkwardly, knowing full well that I know exactly why. "Well, why the heck do they do this every night?!". I don't know, Kari... I totally don't know. I'm not telling her why they're fighting outside our house. "Oh, and you better not be lying about not knowing anything" Kari said. "I-I'm not! Promise Kari!" I lied. Shit... it's probably obvious. My forehead is sweating and now I'm running into the attic. I sat down on my hammock and picked up my phone and called Alito, who wasn't actually crazy and told him first. "Hey, Alito... I need to talk to you about something" I told him. "What's up, Yuma?" He asked.
"Well, y'know how you and Vector have been fighting outside of my house? Well, you guys are probably going to get me kicked out because of all the noise complaints!" I complained at him. "Oh... I'm sorry, Yuma... I won't go there unless you say I can from now on" Alito responded.

"Thanks, Alito. See ya at school tomorrow!" I said. "Cya, cutie" He said before I switched my phone off and went to sleep. I'm probably going to wake up much later than I usually do and be even later to school. I'm probably finally going to get some decent sleep because Alito isn't going to come around anymore. I hope...

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