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-Yuma's POV-

I woke up a long time after my alarm. I noticed the time and I quickly got up and and dressed into my uniform and grabbed my bag and picked up breakfast off the table before dashing outside. I dashed to school as I munched on a rice ball and eventually got to school as soon as the bell rang and I flew to class. "Yuma! Your even later than you usually are!" Tori yelled at me. Oh, shut up, Tori...
I went and sat down next to her, only for her to lecture me to get up on time. "Can you just be quiet for one second? You know I've been having trouble sleeping lately, Tori" I told her.
"But that's no excuse for you to be late" She said. I wasn't having this today. "Whatever, just shut up" I said before resting my head on the table.
"Yuma...?" She spoke but I ignored her and drifted off to sleep.

I was awoken by the lunch bell ringing. I lifted my head up to see Tori and Bronc walking out the door together without me but I didn't care.
I got up out of my chair and picked up my bag and Alito entered the doorway. "Hey, Yuma. Sorry for everything..." He said. "It's fine, Alito! I only have to worry about Vector now..." I said. "Come hang with me. Vector won't want to come near" He said. "Alright" I said before walking outside with him. "Are you sure Vector won't approach us?" I asked.
"Okay... maybe he will" Said Alito.
"Ugh..." I sighed. "He'll probably just try and take you away" He said.
"Yeah... that's true" I responded.
We walked around the front of the school together talking and keeping clear of Vector. We then ended up walking around the back where no one else was except for us but that's what we thought.

"What are we doing back here? No one comes back here" I said. Alito didn't respond. He put his hand on my shoulder and looked me deep in the eyes with a charming smile on his face. He moved closer to me and I was too distracted by the shimmer in his eyes to notice that his lips were now on mine. Suddenly a figure emerged from the shadows. "What the hell do you think your doing with my Yuma, Alito?!" Vector yelled. "He's not yours, Vector! He'll never be yours!" Alito yelled back. Oh my gosh, not this again. I tugged on Alitos shirt and got his attention."Come on... let's just ignore him" I said quietly. "Eh, okay fine. Let's go, Yuma" He said putting his arm around me and we walked back to the front of the school. I just remembered that he kissed me back there. Oh my gosh, Alito kissed me.
I don't know how to feel about that.
I tried to forget about it and continued to talk with him and walk around before the bell rang for the next class and we parted ways.

I entered my classroom and sat somewhere empty this time and not next to Tori and Bronc. I laid my head on the table and tried to fall asleep. It took me awhile as my ears were listening to the teacher as he spoke but I eventually fell asleep.

There was a light, and there was a darkness. I looked into the darkness and saw a familiar orange haired boy with purple eyes and in the light, I saw a brown haired boy with green eyes.
'You must choose one' A faint voice spoke. Do I have to? 'Make a decision' The faint voice said. Nah, I'm good.
'You will decide in time' The voice said.
I was then transported to a beach and the ocean was almost coming to suck me up. I sat there and looked into the distance. Decide? Decision? What?

"Oh, Yuma. Wake up my dear" Said a familiar voice. "Huh?" I yawned before lifting my head up to see who was waking me. The class was empty and Vector was standing over me. "I had the strangest dream..." I told him.
Not that he needed to know. "What about?" He asked. "I'll tell you another time" I said. "So, I saw you with Alito earlier. I'm quite jealous" Vector admitted. "I know, you would be" I replied. "Your coming with me now" He said. Uhhhh... okay then.
I followed him outside and I suddenly felt his hand grab mine. "V-Vector?"
We went and sat down above the ocean across from the school. He then let go of my hand and faced me towards him. He wiped his sleeve on my mouth. "That Alito contaminated your lips. Your lips are only for me" Said Vector before placing his lips on mine and then slipping his tongue into my mouth. He pinned me down to this grass while still kissing me.

Damnit. I've been kissed twice in one day by two different guys... but why meeee???? What am I supposed to do about this? Thinking back on that day dream from earlier... something about deciding... This is too much for me. I'm not even ready for dating! But Vector and Alito... I dunno... I need to think about this all.

(Time skip)

It was after school and I was walking home alone. My mind was clouded by thoughts about the kisses and Vector and Alito. I hadn't told anyone yet about that stuff. I wanted to tell someone since this hadn't happened yet. I hadn't been kissed yet until now.
Who was I going to tell? Should I tell Shark? Maybe Tori, nah. Kite? He wouldn't care. I could tell Shark but he would just tell me to stay away from them... Maybe someone who doesn't go to my school? Hmmm...
Nistro? I'm gonna go talk to Nistro! He's cool. He'll listen to me.
I changed my path and walked to the Heartland tower. I went inside and found him in the lobby. "Hey, Nistro!" I greeted. "Sup, Yuma?" He replied.
"I wanted to talk with you, if that's okay?" I said to him. "Sure! What do you wanna talk about?" He asked.
"Well, just some personal things that's been going on recently in my life" I told him.

We then went back outside and walked together. "So theres these two guys that like me... I know your familiar with Alito already but I dunno about Vector" I said.
"Yeah, I know them" He replied.
"Well... they both kissed me today" I told him. "Woah, really?" He asked.
"Yeah... I didn't know how to feel about it..." I said. "Hm, do you actually like any of them?" Asked Nistro.
"I think I might... I didn't before but after what happened today... I feel like maybe I do" I told him. "Well, what are ya gonna do? Pick one or date them both?" Nistro laughed. "I can't date them both!" I said. "It's okay, Yuma. I won't tell anyone if your a player" He said. "...I'm not" I said.
Nistro laughed "Okay". Alright... I dunno what to do. It's possible I like them both... I don't even know how I feel right now but I'm feeling something...

Nistro and I continued talking for awhile and then I went off into town and walked around alone. I sat down on a bench and sighed. Nistro was no help but at least I got things off my chest. I'm not a player... I haven't even been in a relationship yet... so... how... never mind. I still need to decide on one of them... like that daydream said.
Decide, decide, decide... how...
They're both so... attractive... Oh, what am I thinking? I have other things to be thinking about right now. Or do I...
Nah, not exactly. I might as well just walk home.

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