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I had a... much more normal night last night. Alito didn't show up and cause A scene with Vector. I'm not even sure if Vector was even there last night because I faced the opposite side of the window and I went to sleep listening to music. It was finally the weekend today. I didn't know where to start my day so I got up and got changed into my usual clothes and sat back down on my hammock and glanced at my pendant that I was holding in my hand. I still can't believe all the things that happened.
I've been through so much recently and It's just hard to take it all in and accept the fact that the world could have ended but I was one to stop that.
Now that everything was back to normal and there no rivalry between worlds... the barians are living here now and just look what's happening...
I got frickin' Vector and Alito in love with me. I wonder if Vector liked me from the start... Ray Shadows... I miss the old Ray... maybe if he didn't change that Ray act then maybe I'd want to be with him. But I'm not sure who I want to be with.

When Alito first came here he was in love with Tori... That damn Tori! Ugh, whatever, it's not like he likes her anymore but why do I care?
It's nothing I need to be jealous about... Oh right, I just remembered something that I wish I never heard.
That time when Tori confessed to me.
I don't feel the same way about her at all. She probably still likes me. I don't care if she does though because I'll just reject her. I feel kinda bad doing that but she doesn't know I only like guys now. Maybe I should tell her. I'll tell her in person. I got my phone and texted her and asked her if she wanted to meet up because I had something to tell her and she agreed and we met up in town.

"So, What's up, Yuma?" She asked.
"Well, I just wanted to tell you something... how do I say this... I know you like me and all that, I just wanted to tell you something important that I thought you should know" I said. "And that is?" Asked Tori. "Well, I... I'm only into guys" I told. "You what?!" She exclaimed. "Yeah, that's right. I'm sorry, Tori" I said to her. "Ugh!" She stormed off down the street all jealous and angry. I didn't expect her to act like that... I mean... I think I know how she would be feeling right now since the person she likes just told her that they're gay. Well it's her loss I guess.
If only she told me sooner but I would have still turned her down.
I didn't have anything to actually do today so I walked back home and played Duel Links on my phone.
"Yes!! 7 PVP wins in a row now!"
I was pretty good at the game. It's not so different from a real duel except it's a mobile game and it's online.
I was unbeatable on that game.
I could barely even play when I first downloaded the game. That was when I was really bad at duelling. Yes, I admit it now. I thought I was good and knew everything but then I came to realize as I got better.

(Time skip to Monday morning)

I arrived to school, a bit earlier than usual so I had more time before the bell rang. As I entered the premises I noticed everyone looking at me and whispering things to each other. But uhh, why? Suddenly Alito approached me. "Yuma, come with me" He spoke and I followed him to a deserted area.
"Your probably wondering why people are staring at you" He said.
I nodded my head yes expecting him to tell me what's going on. "Theres a rumor going around that your gay and everyone is judging you for it. I wish the rumor was about me so the hate wouldn't be getting thrown at you..." He said. "I don't know how it started though" He continued. I sighed. "I bet it was Tori! She's the only one I've told!" I said. "What a bitch. I don't know why I ever even liked that girl. The only person I want to be with now is you... but that's besides all of this" Said Alito.
"This school is just stupid if they're gonna judge me for liking guys! But I'd prefer it if they didn't know about that" I said. "You know what... I'm going out there" Said Alito before walking back into the public.
He stood in the middle of the front of the school and got everyones attention.

"Everyone! Listen to what I have to say!" He began. Oh no... what the hell is he doing. "It's not Yuma that you should be ridiculing. If you should be hating on anyone it's me! I'm the gay one! Not Yuma! I like men!" He yelled.
Everyone started giggling at him and were talking amongst each other.
"Are you kidding me..." I sighed.
I noticed Tori in the distance talking to Bronc and I ran over to her.
"Tori! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled. "What do you mean, Yuma?" She glared at me. "You know what I'm talking about! How dare you spread those rumors about me!" I yelled at her. "So that was you, Tori!" Bronc spoke. "How could you do that to him?" Bronc asked. "I did no such thing!" She yelled before taking off.
Alito came over to us after his announcement. "Wow... she's even denying it" He said. "Don't worry, I'm probably going to be the talk of the school now" He continued. "You didn't need to do that" I told him. "It doesn't bother me. Getting talked about behind my back. I'd rather it be me than you" He said. "That damn Tori! I know she's our friend and all but she has pissed me off! Why would she do ya like that!" Bronc complained.
"She's jealous" I said. "Why?" Asked Bronc. "I told her the other day that I like guys and it made her mad because you know how she liked me?" I said. "Oh yeah. That doesn't give her any reason to spread that around the school even if it's true" Said Bronc.
"I know..." I sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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