Finally Big Chopped😌🥳

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Today, March 27, 2021 I got that heat damage cut off. I wasn't able to do it until after I graduated. I graduated May 14 of this year btw. Y'all don't understand how happy I am that I big chopped! My long hair I had always got flat ironed. Cause I was never taught how to care for my natural curls. Mainly because of how long my hair would take to do. My mama would start washing my hair. At like 7 something on a school night. And wouldn't be done till 11.

Which led to her getting hair stylists to put perms in my hair. Chemicals plus the continuous straightening my hair went through. Caused heat damage in my hair. And I couldn't wear my natural curls. Cause of the straight pieces all over my head. When hair is dead. You can't grow out the heat damage. And I'd get told, "Don't cut your hair! It's so long." I've been told this my WHOLE life. And I've lived life thinking. My straight hair is what makes me feel beautiful.

Today, I stopped living for others. I started living for me. I don't regret cutting my hair at all! It'll grow back. My hair is healthier than ever. I'm flourishing!

 I'm flourishing!

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