Chapter 4

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Jack grabs my hand and leads the way through out the campsite. He tells me to be aware of any counselors all around, but all I'm thinking about is the fact that he's holding my hand. We make our way past groups of kids from all age ranges. Once we find where caution tape is taped from tree to tree. He ducks under it and I step over it following his lead, I get my foot stuck falling right into his arms. I blush, embarrassed as fuck and quickly get up he just laughs a beautiful heart leaping laugh.

"Damn how the fuck do I know you for less than an hour and you're already falling at my feet." He says smiling

"Am not, I tripped on the caution tape, don't flatter yourself bitch boy." I say with a laugh.

"That nickname better not stick." He replies gracefully walking through the trees.

"It already has bitch." He just laughs and continues walking paying me no mind.

We walk for entirely too long when Jack finally leads me to a treehouse. Loosely holding on to the tree it's nailed in it looks like it would come crashing down at the drop of a hat.
"You don't actually expect me to go in that do you?" i say side eyeing him.
"Yes i do Emery. I think you'll find this summer will be much more exciting if you learn to just do what I say." he responds making my breathing stop. How arrogant I think before climbing into the treehouse with him, a goofy smile trapsed across my face. I watch Jack smile at me from the corner of my eye before he pokes my dimple. an adorable gesture that makes my stomach erupt with butterflies. he pulls out his cigarettes, handing one to me.
"I already told you I don't smoke" I say
"I already told you, do what I say" he mimics my exasperated tone. I wouldn't take this type of energy from anyone else, but with him it's different. I take the cigarette and stick it in my mouth holding it out in his direction.
"good girl" he whispers before lighting my cigarette. I take a big inhale and sit, eyes closed, basking in the calm. Jack plucks the cigarette out of my hand before crushing it with his boot.
"thought you didn't smoke" Jack said staring directly into my eyes with a small grin.
I flushed "I do" I said sheepishly staring at my feet. Okay maybe I told a tiny little fib, but I had to maintain the way he perceived me. I liked how he viewed me, and I fear he would look at me differently if he knew I was corrupted.
He opened his mouth to speak when both our attentions were suddenly shifted by the sound of footsteps getting closer.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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