chapter 9

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Matthew POV.

Jessica fell asleep while holding Joe Joe he woke up and started whining I grabbed him from her and gave him a bottle I put him in his walker and scooped Jessica up bridal style I laid her in my bed I tool off her clothes and put her on one if mines she was asleep I took a quick shower and laid in the bed Joe joe wanted to get out he was whining I got him out started playing with him. Jessica woke she lokm so beautiful when she lost or confused she asked me where her clothes and did we have sex I laughed and told her I Changed her she smile and said oh she picked but Joe Joe and walked down stairs I laid in bed texting my hommie Chris I asked him how was thinking g at the trap he said it was straight I jogged down stairs because I smelled food I came down to see jess working her hips she was so sexy she working her I stood the watching licking my lips she turned she was red as a tomato. She fixed my plate it was so good I ate it up she made me another plate she took Joe Joe upstairs and I finished my plate and washed the dishes and helded up stairs I saw jess Changing Joe Joe and running his bath water. She gave him a bath she's definitely a keeper she came out the rest room but it was getting late and I am sure she wanted to go home so I asked her was she ready she said yeah so I put o a shirt and sides got my keys and her bags she go in the car and I grabber joe Joe from her and put him in his seat he was kinda fussy but he was tired. I got in the car and drove down the street and looked back his was sleep I looked at jess she was on her phone I grabbed her hand. She told me to turn I left I pulled up into her drive way I kissed her check and we said out good byes.

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