chapter 20

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Their party has just started they both was excited jumping around having I was laughing and recording them when I saw brandy go sit by Matthew at the table they looked at each other and did something weird I didn't react I just keep playing with the kids. Jackie came in with her brother and little cousin her brother saw the bounce house his face lit it made me smile hard because he never talks and I see him he's quite she walked him to the bounce house her cousin went over to the twuns and started playing. Tyler came outside he sat by me I asked him what's wrong because he looked sad he said because this is best thing that ever happened to his little sisters then a tears fell out his eye I jumped IP and sat in his lap I held his face into me I rubbed his back he said he never saw them have this much fun. I felt bad for him I blocked his face because I knew he didn't want to cry in front if everybody I gave diamond a look she showed the people where the food was then I heard a loud scream it made me jump it was diamond I looked at the it was Christian she ran and jumped on him I said well damn somebody put in that work me and Jackie busted out laughing she gave me five we was talking about our boy friends when I thought were Matthew and brandy I got up I told Tyler I had go to the restroom he said ok and I went to go find them. They was no were to be found so I went to my room and I saw brandy bent over while Matthew fuckin her my mouth opened wide I ran out the room I jumped on Tyler lap I was shaking and crying diamond Jackie Christian and Tyler was trying to see what's wrong mom came running out the house she asked what's wrong I couldn't speak I was so just so she told Tyler to pick me up and take me to her room he carried me to my mom's too room Jackie gave me a hug and diamond wiped my tears then Matthew busted in the room I buried my face in Tyler's chest Matthew said baby it not what it looks like I told him leave me alone he grabbed my arm I snatched away from him he told Tyler to put me down he said no so matthew tired to grab me and pulled me down Tyler pushed me into the pillows Jackie shut the door he said nigga this is my fuckin twin sister's birthday party and you not about to fuck it up for not for them he stepped closer to matthew face and said don't you ever put yo hands on my mother fuckin sister again nigga or I'll kill yo ass matthew clenched his jaw he pushed Tyler in the face that's when Tyler just started throwing Punch after punch blood was everywhere I started screaming stop please stop Tyler finally stop I ran over to Matthew I held his head in my chest I asked him why would you fuck her my in bed? He wrapped his arms around me and said sorry he promised he would never do it again he got up to clean his self up I went over to Tyler diamond throw me a shirt I took the one I had on off it was covered in blood I sat on his lap he apologize I told him it was ok he asked why was I crying I told him why his grip around my waste got tighter diamond had a shocked look on her face Jacki just stared at the floor matthew walked but in the then troy walked in he went and say by Jackie Tyler asked where's king he said outside with the kids we all said big ass kid I didn't know what to do between diamond and Jackie staring at Matthew and Tyler grip around my waste it felt like it gotten tighter I look at him he loosen his grip I sigh in a relief. I said lets go back outside everyone got up jackied was side by side with diamond but they was face to face with Matthew Jackie just stole him in the face he dropped and she kicked him in the nuts troy picked her up he carried her out of the room he looked at me and went to the restroom we walked in the dinning room I saw brandy sitting on the couch I walked over by her she gave me a small smile I lost it I hopped over that couch and beat ha face in blood was everywhere Tyler ran and grabbed me diamond ran over to ha and just started going ham then Jackie saw ha all hell broke lose they was beating and stumping her my Tyler ran to them he got both of then off then I ran over to ha and started best ha ass then troy came and got me she got up and ran out the house I went over to Tyler he held my head into his chest matthew came out the rest room everyone went outside I stayed in I told him to go clean my bed. I walked outside Joe ran up to me I picked him up he asked if I cold get in the bounce house with him told him aunt Jackie will because he pulled her in his face lit up when he saw the cake I told him no go get in the bounce house justice was sitting in Tyler lap I told everyone to gather around its time to eat all the kids came I fixed all the kids a plate and Tyler. Diamond fixed Christian a plate we sat down I ate all my mini sausages Tyler had some on his plate so stared at him he looked at me he rolled his eyes and sigh what you want I smiled I pointed at the sausages he said but I want mine I started pouting I said hers man dang I smiled he scooted them on my plate I started eating them and he mumbled big head ass baby I stopped I said here I don't want them he said naw eat em he mumbled something under his breath I looked at him he started laughing I jsut looked. I thought my food in the trash I went over to the twins I asked them was they enjoying their birthday they both said yes.

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