(DSMP)Vampire Ranboo

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I sat in my shack clutching my stomach in pain. It keeps growling but every time I eat something I throw it up a few seconds later. I clutched my stomach harder as the pain got worse."Ranboo?" Phil is here."I-In here...." Phil came in and gasped."Ranboo are you okay!?" He said as he got closer to me. The pain worsened. He picked me up and headed towards his house. Phil knocking on the door was the last thing I heard before passing out from the pain.

Phil P.O.V

Techno opened the door and let me in as I laid Ranboo on the couch."What's wrong with him Phil?" Asked Techno as he brewed a healing potion."I don't know, I just found him withering on the ground, groaning in pain." I looked to Ranboo with a worried look. I sat on the floor beside Ranboo and fell asleep.

~Time skip to where genderman woke up~

Ranboo P.O.V again

I woke up and looked around. 'Why an I in Technoblade's house? Oh yeah Phil found me.' I heard noise from the other room. That probably Techno. I looked down and saw Phil sleeping peacefully. I smiled. Then the pain kicked in. I grabbed my stomach, the pain being worse than before.

'Hurt them. Eat them. Feed off their blood. Kill them.' I scrambled of the couch and into the corner."What is happening to me!?" I whispered to myself as I grabbed my sides. My claws digging into me slightly. Phil woke up from the sound of my shuffling. He saw me and he immediately looked worried and concerned. He got up and walked to me slowly."Are you okay Ranboo? " I flinched at his reached out hand. The pain is getting worse. The voices are getting louder."N-No, stay away!" Phil flinched. Technoblade came into the room.The pain and the voices got worse. I grabbed my ears.

"Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!!" They were a taken back a little by my outburst."What's wrong Ranboo?" "The voices.....th-their to loud.." Phil looked at Techno than back at me."What are they saying?" I tried calming down my breathing."T-Their saying things l-like....kill you a-and fed off your....Blood..." My breathing picked up slightly. They were taken back by this.

Technoblade P.O.V

He's a vampire!? That actually makes sense considering that his right side has white skin and a red eye. How come he didn't show any signs before? Maybe his enderman side suppressed it? Ranboo held his arms tightly as his nails dug into them, drawing blood. Phil tried to pull his hands from his arms but he almost bit him. I went and got the healing potion I made earlier. "Hey Ranboo drink this, it might make the pain go away some."

Ranboo brought out a shaky hand and grabbed the potion. He wiped his mouth when he finished. "It worked a bit, thanks Techno." I smiled."Okay, we have to figure his out. Apparently your other side is part vampire so how are we gonna give you blood and what blood can you drink?" Said Phil. I had an idea. "What if we put the blood in potion bottles? No one will be suspicious." Phil agreed. He then pulled up his sleeve and went into the kitchen. He then came back with a knife. " Uh...Phil? What are you gonna do with that knife?" Ranboo asked a little confused. "I'm going to cut my self and let you drink my blood, that is if your okay with that?" Ranboo thought for second then nodded. Phil put the knife onto his skin. He took a deep breath and cut his arm, leaving a line of blood. We watched as Ranboo's eyes turned into slits as he grabbed Phil's arm and bit into it.

Phil winced slightly as Ranboo's fangs sunk into him arm. Soon Ranboo lets go. Phil went and got some bandages and wrapped up his wound. He came back into the living room. I chuckled a little at the blood still on Ranboo's face. "Ranboo you have a little something still on your face." He used his thumb and whipped it off, licking it afterwards. " Actually thought drinking blood would taste nasty but it tasted surprisingly sweet with a bit of caramel!" Phil chuckled. "I taste like caramel?" Ranboo nodded. "At least your not starving anymore." Said Phil with a smile while petting his head, receiving a soft pur from the hybrid.

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