(DSMP)Hidden Surprises

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Fundy seemed to go one step further, kicking him to the ground by swiping at the back of his legs, foot pushing his head into the wood as Quackity moved to restrain his arms behind him. Ranboo's red and green eyes dilated harshly, almost movements growing quicker as Fundy spoke.

"He's gonna go feral!" At Quackity's inhale and the sudden pit of dread in his stomach, Ranboo pushed them off and grew a few feet taller as his claws grew and got sharper. His horns grew longer and his jaw unhinged and lava poured out of his mouth and eyes. His white side seemed to melt a bit as black scales grew on his arms and face, his eyes turning completely green and red. Smoke seemed to be coming out the corners of his mouth.

Everyone stepped back fearing what he might do but Ranboo just sat their, staring at Quackity, growling. Quackity decided to attack Ranboo.

Bad idea.

As soon as his axe made contact with Ranboo's side it melted into him. Quackity backed up a bit. Ranboo began to walk towards Quackity, growling. Fundy tried to pull him back but as soon as he touched him he pulled his hands back, hissing in pain." H-His skin is like....lava.." Fundy said is disbelief. Ranboo cornered Quackity and grabbed his throat, burning it. Fundy ran at Ranboo, sword in hand and sliced his hand off. Fundy smiled, thinking he did some damage.

He thought wrong.

They watched in shock as Ranboo's hand grew back and the hand around Quackity's throat hardened into rock. Ranboo turned to Fundy and growled. Fundy fell as Ranboo towered over him. Fundy tensed as Ranboo throat began to glow. Fundy moved just in time as Ranboo blasted purple fire where he used to be.

Everyone backed up a bit. Tubbo finally gathered courage and ran towards Ranboo after drinking a fire resistance and hugged him. Ranboo stopped what he was doing. "Come on Ranboo..... You can fight it..." Tubbo said as tears pricked his eyes. Ranboo lowered to his level. He started to move his arms. He wrapped his arms around Tubbo and hugged him back as he tried to say "T-tUbBo..?" Tubbo smiled.

"Yes it's me big man..Tubbo...Your husband." Ranboo slowly grew back to his original size as his horns, claws and skin went back to normal. His jaw hinged back into place. Ranboo stopped hugging Tubbo and whipped the lava of his face. Somehow it didn't burn him. He looked at Tubbo with sad eyes and started to breakdown. He hugged Tubbo tightly as he balled his eyes out, wincing from the tears every now and then. "Shh, it's okay Ranboo you couldn't control it. They are the reason why you went feral nothing else.." Said Tubbo as he rubbed circles on Ranboo's back. Tubbo looked up to see everyone looking either at them with a apologetic look or looking away with shame for taking it to far.

Except Quackity.

"What do you mean he had no control!? He went feral knowing fully that we wouldn't stand a chance against him!" Yelled Quackity, anger and a bit of fear in his voice. Everyone one mumbled to each other. Ranboo started to shake a bit. "T-Tubbo..it's co-coming back..." Tubbo nodded and turned to Quackity. "What the HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?" Quackity flinched at his outburst. Ranboo started to make a few panicked enderman noises as he clung to Tubbo. "LOOK AT HIM!!! DOES HE SEEM LIKE SOMEONE TO HURT SOMEONE ON PURPOSE!?!?" Quackity started to speak but Tubbo interrupted. "HE TOLD ME THAT HE HAS NO CONTROL OVER HIS ENDERMAN SIDE AND WE JUST DISCOVERED THAT HIS OTHER SIDE IS FIRE BASED!!!! PLUS HE SAID THE ONLY PERSON HE'LL ACTUALLY GO FERAL ON IS DREAM!!!" Yelled Tubbo as tears poured from his eyes.

Quackity started to look guilty, ashamed of assuming Ranboo did it on purpose. Everyone suddenly looked to Ranboo as he clutched onto Tubbo for dear life as he screamed in pain. Everyone backed up as a huge pair of dragon wings tore from Ranboo's back. Ranboo's grip on Tubbo slowly went weak as he fell unconscious from the pain.

~Time skip to him waking up~

Ranboo woke in his and Tubbo's bed. When he sat up he winced at the pain that shot through his back slightly. Tubbo came in the room. "Hey Ranboo, how ya feelin?" I groaned, my head hurting slightly. "I guess I'm..okay? I'm sorry just...what happened? I can't remember anything...." Tubbo scratched the back of his neck. "Well you accidentally went feral on everyone yesterday and-" He pointed at something behind me. I turned around only to see a huge par of dragon wings. "-you also got a pair of wings." I looked at my wings in aw. I moved them slightly. It hurts to move them a bit but the pain will go away. "Oh yeah-" Tubbo started."-Phil told me to tell you that you can come by and he can teach you how to use your wings!" I smiled at that.

Then it hit me.

I'll have to deal with heights.
Do yall want a part two to this???

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