(IRL)"I Can't control it!"

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Ranboo came downstairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He always slept in late sometimes and today he did. Tommy, Phil and Techno were chilling in the living-room."Glad you finally woke up mate." Says Phil, sitting on the couch with a cup of tea. "What time is it..?" Asked Ranboo, his voice drenched in sleep. "It's 2:42." Ranboo grunted. "Thats so late..." He says as he stretches, his joints popping and his circuits springing more into life.

"Your gonna have to wait a bit for Tubbo to take a look at ya, he's testing-" Before Phil could finish an explosion came from Tubbo's room. Phil's breath hitched. "-his gadgets." Ranboo stopped dead in his tracks. The living room went silent. "Phil's eyes looked towards Tommy and Techno, silently saying 'You know the drill...'. You see, Ranboo's programing tends to take control of him when he hears loud noises like the explosion Tubbo made. When this happens everyone needs to be still until Ranboo's program no longer thinks there is a threat. They haven't found out yet what happens when you move. But their about to find out.

Tubbo came downstairs covered in ashes and smelling like smoke. "Sorry about tha-" Tubbo was frozen in his place by the gun pointed to his head. He looked up at Ranboo to see Ranboo's eyes purple instead of his green and red eyes. "H-Hey bud..." Says Tubbo as he raises his hands in surrender. Ranboo took off the safety as a reaction to this motion. "Hey-Hey now, lets not get hasty here!" Ranboo continued to stare at tubbo as he slowly lowered the gun. He put the gun away then scanned the area while his eyes started to faded back to their normal colors.

Just then Wilbur came through the door.

In a flash Wilbur was pinned to the wall by a mechanical hand around his throat, chocking him but enough space to breath. Wilbur looked at his family silently asking what happened. Phil used his hands to gesture an explosion but was stopped by a knife inches away from his throat. Tommy swallowed nervously. Techno was looking worriedly at Ranboo, hoping the kid wouldn't do something he will regret when he snaps out of it.

Everything was dead quiet. Not a soul in the room moved. A few more moments passed and Ranboo's eyes began to fade again.

His eyes finally turned to their normal colors again. Ranboo shook his head to focus a little more and when he opened his eyes he immediately droppthe knife and went to the farthest corner of the living-room.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I-I'm sorry-"
Phil walked over to Ranboo and kneeled to his eye level a bit away from him to give them space. "It's alright mate, you couldn't control it.  That wasn't you.." "But Phil that was me! I'm dangerous Phil, I-I don't want to hurt you-" "And you won't." Phil opened his arms, silently asking for a hug and Ranboo launched into his arms, clinging to Phil like he would disappear and cried into his shoulder. "I-I could ha-have killed y-you Phi-Phil, I was so close to-" He was cut off by a sob. "I don't w-want to lose you guys..." Phil sat on the floor with Ranboo and rubbing soothing circles on his back. He kissed Ranboo's forehead (NOT A SHIP FATHERLY LOVE!!!!) and said, "It's okay Ranboo, we'll figure it out..."

Oh my god this chapter is like one of my favorites

I might turn this into a book

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