Chapter1: Melanie

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"Patient 328 straight to the examination room" a loud deep voice demanded in a harsh tone "Yes sir" exclaimed a weak crackly voice then blank Melanie's mind went clear and she was almost out of her body. 

Mothers perspective:

"Melanie it will be ok I promise no matter what ill be here" I pleaded. I sang a lullaby which was her favorite when she was younger something like this "Always here always near just like the moon ill always be here always near just like the moon stars and everything that's clear" I whept my sorrows at her bed watching her hoping shed show shes here watching her almost gazing at her strawberry blonde hair, pale skin, freckles, and her eyelashes hoping even praying they'd move and that this was all one enormous tragic dream. 


I was in the unknown everything was black until it wasn't I woke up to see myself in a gigantic house perhaps a mansion with its pillars engraved with animals decorated in gold it almost felt nostalgic like I've been here before and its just Deja Vu but it wasn't and i knew completely well it wasn't but that's not what I was thinking. I was desperately and frantically wandering around almost as if there was an exit to home yet there was not each door I opened a new door was found this place seemed never-ending. I was mortified when I opened one door it slammed shut behind me and then there they were 10 people looking at me 20 eyes gazing upon me. 

Hey umm this is my first ever story and id like to say thank you to whoever is reading this I like to think of reading as a distraction to problems almost like a guide to life so thank you this book is dedicated to YOU and I hope you know that you taking time out of your life to read this really does enlighten me so thank YOU. XD

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