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Snakes are all around you, always coiled around trunks and branches.

You don't like snakes.

They aren't very nice.

Never to you or your lover.

They always hide in the foliage, waiting to strike.

They blend in with the lush jungle, dotted with any color you can imagine.

You must be fearful of the snakes, for they might strike you once and swallow you whole.

You are always carful, ears straining, yet you fear that one won't be carful enough.

You duck through the vines, your lover sitting upon your snout, when you hear the low hiss.

You still, listening for the slither of scales upon bark.

Once you hear it, you run.

Your paws hit the ground harshly, running, running, running.

Your heat beats are scattered, thumping, thumping, thumping.

You must protect your lover.

The snakes swallow Wasps whole, never giving them a chance.

You can not take risks.

Weave, weave, weave through the trees.

Don't get tangled in the vines.

Don't step on the flowers.

It does not matter if you get hurt, you must protect your lover.

It does not take much for Wasps to get carried away in the wind, in the water.

Small, delicate creatures.

More beautiful than any honeybee, any bug or animal.

Your lover is the most beautiful of them all.

The Tiger and it's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now