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Humans are the worst of any creature.

Worse than monkeys or baboons, who screech and yell, scouring the tree tops.

Worse than annoying vermin, always scattered under your feet.

Worse than snakes.

You hate snakes.

You hate humans more.

They kill your family, only to turn them into rugs and jewelry.

They burn your home, only to build more of theirs.

It's unfair, just as life will always be.

You still can not come to terms with that fact.

You hope that if they ever come back to your home, they will be marred with the scars that you left.

They will never make you into a rug, into jewelry.

If you must die by their hands, you want them to mount your head on their wall.

So you can look upon them, your face wearing a look of hatred and disgust.

Your mouth open in one last mighty roar.

A promise to haunt them for as long as they live.

Maybe even longer.

But you can not die, you must protect your lover.

You sit with your beloved upon your snout, watching the sky change.

Red, yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue, then finally, black.

The stars twinkle and shine, watching the lovers from far above.

The moon smiles down at them, as if saying, 'I hope you find happiness.'

Your eyes droop, it is long past your bed time.

'My darling,' The Wasp says, 'You are tired, why not lie down?'

'I would miss you.' You say, tail flicking in dissatisfaction.

'I'm not going anywhere,' It says, 'Tonight I shall stay with you.'

You rumble contently, 'I would love that.' You say, head lying upon your paws.

'I'll be here when you wake, my love.' It says, humming in your ear, a soothing sound.

Your eyes fall shut, glazed with images of the night sky.

You feel the Wasp settle on your snout once more, purring in satisfaction.

'I love you.' You say.

'And I you, my dear.' It says back.

You sleep under the stars.

Your lover was not there when you awoke.

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