Chapter 2

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Silence. Sero couldn't hear anything. He couldn't see anything either. He doesn't remember falling asleep, but he has to be sleeping. Why else would he not be able to hear or see anything either? That must be it Sero thought. He slowly felt around trying to figure out if this was a dream or if he really was awake. His hands found nothing as he reached out. So he's either in his room dreaming, or he's in an empty room with nothing in reach. Sero called out, but heard nothing. He couldn't even hear his own voice. Sero slowly started to panic, unsure of what was going on. Out of no where a voice appeared chanting something. Sero couldn't exactly hear what this voice was saying, so he decide to try and find it. Slowly Sero started to walk still not being able to see. The father he went the louder the voice got. Soon he was able to hear what the voice was saying. The voice kept chanting save me Sero, over and over again. Sero was beyond confused, he wasn't sure what was going on. Sero try calling out again and this time he could hear his voice. He could hear himself finally! Sero took a deep breathe, and called out to the voice.

"Who's there!"

The voice continued to chant.

"save me Sero."

Sero gasped as he recognized the voice. It was Bakugou's voice! Sero looked around wildly, still unable to see.


Sero continued to call out, trying to find his friend. Eventually he found a bright light and walked towards it. He can see again and when he walks toward the light he's lead into room. Bakugou's sitting in the middle of the room, in his hospital bed. Sero ran over to him and hugged him.

"Bakugou!, your awake!"

Sero pulled back and looked at his friend. Bakugou didn't look happy though, on the contrary he looked sad. Sero frowned as he stared at his friends frown.

"What's wrong, Bakugou?"

Bakugou looked at Sero sadly.

"Save me Sero."

Sero looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

Bakugou slowly raised his right arm and pointed behind Sero. Sero turned around to find a doctor and a nurse talking.

"Doctor Mr. Bakugou shows no signs of waking up, what should we do?"

The doctor sighed and looked very sad.

"Call the boy's family, well have to discuss our options."

Sero's eyes widen as he watches the nurse nod and walk away. No!, she can't call his parents! They'll take him of life support! Sero turned to Bakugou wide eyed.

"I won't let them do this to you!, I promise!"

Bakugou smiles and nods.

"I'll be waiting for you."

Sero jumps as sits up in bed. So that was a dream. He looks at his clock, it's 8:30 in the morning. Sero jumped out of bed and ran to his front door. Screw normal clothes!, he can't waste time on clothes. He has to get to the hospital before they take Bakugou off life support. He has to save him! No he will save him.

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