Chapter 3

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The hospital opens at 8:30 AM, Sero knew he could make it. He parked his car and quickly rushed into the hospital. He knew if he wasn't quick he wouldn't make it and he be too late. He ran up to the receptionist, panting.

"Has anyone checked in for Katsuki Bakugou?"

The receptionist looks at him with a smile and looks at her clipboard. She takes a moment before she looks up at Sero.

"It looks like a Mitsuki and a Masura Bakugou have signed in."

Sero sucked in a breathe as he stared wide eyed at the receptionist.

"Can you tell me when they checked in?"

Sero looked at the receptionist with pleading eyes. She smiled softly and nodded.

"They checked in 20 minutes ago, there in the same room as your friend."

Sero smiled and ran for the elevator.

"Thank you!"

Sero rushed into the elevator as the doors opened. He pushed the button and took a deep breathe. He can make it, he will make it. Sero ran out the doors before they fully opened and dashed to Bakugou's room. He burst in to find the same nurse and doctor from his dream. Next them were Bakugou's parents. His mom was crying and Sero felt his heart drop. He knew that this was really hard on them. The doctor looked at him with a stern look.

"Can I help you young man?"

Sero nodded and slowly walked next to Bakugou's bed. He looked at his friend and grabbed his limp hand.

"I had a dream, and Bakugou was in it."

The whole room fell silent as all eyes were on Sero. He knew he may sound crazy, but he was going to save his friend no matter what.

"I had a dream where Bakugou was awake and he was asking me to save him. He knew that you were going to call his parents. Well he actually showed me that."

Sero looked up from his friend to the other four in the room.

"You can't do this, he's still in there and he's going to wake up."

The doctor blinked at him and frowned.

"This isn't very funny young man, this is a very serious decision."

Sero glared at the doctor and stood his ground. He was not going to give up on his friend!

"I'm not joking, I'm being very serious."

Mrs. Bakugou suddenly stood up and sighed.

"I've made my decision."

Sero looked at her, his heart pounding in his ears. She looked towards Sero and smiled.

"I wish to keep my son on life support, I know he is still in there somewhere and he will wake up."

Sero sighed in relief, he made it. Mr. Bakugou stood up to join his wife as they both turned to the nurse and doctor.

"Will be going now."

The doctor stood there speechless as the two left the room with the nurse following close behind. Sero sighed in relief and sat in a chair next to the bed. He can't believe he made it. The doctor sighed and ran a hand over his face.

"I have no idea how you did it kid, but you just saved that young mans life."

Sero looked up at the doctor and smiled a bit.

"He'd do the same for me if the tables were reversed."

The doctor gives him a curt nod and then promptly left the room. Sero slumps back in his chair and looks over to Bakugou.

"That was a close call man."

Sero jumps as he's met with two beautiful red eyes.

"Took you long enough Soy Sauce."

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