Chapter 1

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Everyone was getting ready for the big party in the Great Hall, Hermione and Ginny were getting ready in their dorm. "I am so glad you got to do your 7th year, if you didn't we wouldn't be in the same year and we would not be going to this party together" said Ginny while doing her make-up. Hermione laughed, "I cant believe tomorrow morning, we will be leaving this place forever". The two of them finished getting ready before meeting Harry and Ron downstairs in the Common Room.

The four of them arrived at the Great Hall, it looked amazing, almost like it did when Hogwarts hosted the Yule Ball but with a bit more colour. Hermione looked around in awe "it looks great in here, don't you think Ron?", Ron just stared at the food table. "I know what does look good, that food table" he bumped past Hermione and quickly walked to the table. Ever since Ron and Hermione broke up a few weeks ago, things still weren't right between them.

Ginny had managed to sneak in some fire whiskey "do want some Hermione?" Ginny said passing the bottle to her. Hermione looked at the bottle then at Ron stuffing down another meatball. "You know what, yes I will if I have to put up with that disgusting brother of yours all night".

2 hours later Hermione had drunk most of the bottle by now, everything and everyone had become a blur. She told Ginny that she was going to bed "are you sure you don't want one of us to walk you back?". "No I will be fine" Hermione replied, as she was walking out of the hall she tripped and fell into someone "I am sorry!" He looked at her, "its ok, its my fault for standing there" she looked at his demeanor, he looked to be in the same state she was. After a few moments she didn't know what came over her. Hermione crushed her lips with his but the most surprising thing was that he didn't pull away and he matched her movements.

The next morning Hermione found herself trapped between two muscly arms in what seemed to be the Slytherin dorms 'oh no, who is this?' She thought to herself, she slowly turn around trying not to wake him up, when she saw the blonde hair, it made her eyes widen.

He woke up from Hermione practically jumping out of his arms "Granger?!" . Hermione was getting back into her dress, not looking at him "I was just leaving Malfoy, and don't worry I won't tell anyone" she replied making her way to the door. "no don't go" Draco said but it was too late, she was already out the door.


12 years later Hermione and her son Fred were in Diagon Alley, buying all the things he would need for his first year at Hogwarts "what else do we need to get darling?" said Hermione looking down at her blonde son. "just my books and my wand now mum" Fred replied looking down at his letter from Hogwarts. They walked into the book shop, Hermione loved the smell that hit her nose every time she walked into the shop "ok Fred, you go find your books while I take a look around", "okay mum".

Hermione made her way to her favourite book section, while looking at the books she heard a familiar voice behind her "of course, I would find the great Hermione Granger in a book shop on a hot day like this", "what do you want Malfoy?" she said not turning around. "can't someone say hello to an old class mate?", that's when she turned around "we were never, as you put it mates" he gave her a wink " oh yeah that's right" he then whispered "we were no than that".

Before she had a chance to answer, Fred ran up to her and Draco "I've got all my books mum". " like mother like son, knows the way around a..." Draco couldn't finish that sentence once he saw Fred. "how old are you kid?" before Fred had a chance to answer Hermione put her hands on his shoulders and started to lend him to the till. "HOW OLD ARE YOU!" Draco yelled. Fred turn around and faced Draco "11! Now why are you yelling?", Draco completely ignored Fred and looked at Hermione with a sad but confused expression "he's 11?!".

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