Ch 1 New warrior

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(Mason POV)

After I save the female knight she said something but I didn't care about it now many people are running away I put away my Magnum, I look down and grab long sword so it won't be suspicious

I use my new weapon like a one handed sword sense it was so light. I kill over 30 idiot's that stands in my way, suddenly I was surrounded no more then 40. one men walk around through crowd

(???) hey there I scarface the leader of this bandits you will surrender "look at mason Porcelain necklace" oh ohohoh I see we have a hero, your Porcelain rank you have no other choice to surrender, your out number

(Mason) I like those odd "I pointed my new sword toward him"

he started laughing and everyone else did too

(Scarsface) "he stops laughing" kill him

(Sara in helmet) don't worry they're strength isn't enough to take out your shield

Something hit my back I turn around and see one bandit with a broken sword, he was shock by this I uppercut and all I could hear is bone snapping, his lifeless body fell down

So I got ready to fight there's a man on my left with two blades and another one with battle axe on my right he charge for a strike, I simply garb hold of his axe kicking him off, I'd threw it another prison killing him and then the dual blades guy tied to attack but I swing my sword cutting in half more bandits are moving in

(Mason) bring it on

(Sharon POV)

I was looking for that man who save my life and ask what did he use to kill them

(Mira) SHARON!!

I ran to her and help defeating 10 bandits

(Mira) oh my that was close, thank you

(Sharon) what are you doing here aren't you support to find out who behind this?

(Mira) about that "she searching for something she handed to me" the leader of this bandits is name Richard Merlin

I look at this wanted poster he the most dangerous guy, to be honest I'm not sure if I could take him down

(Sharon) we have to hold off these bandits

Two buildings are on fire then alex just finished escorting some people to safety

(Alex) we're done, now we could get rid of them easier

(Karla) *killed 1 bandit* mira did you find anything

Mira told them everything what she told me. now we must find out where that bandit leader

(Sharon) mira uses your Magic to find out where the leader

(Drax) don't over do it please

Mira hold out both of her hand creating magical site and now concentrating to find where's he is

(Mira) block down that way "points straight ahead" we got to be careful their's more then 50

(Karla) alright let's get "wait"

We all look at mira confusing

(Mira) We got to go hurry and fast

She randomly just left off without warning. we went after her quickly so we could see what's going on or what she seen

(Sharon) Mira! What did you see

(Mira) one guy is surrounded and he is a adventurer

(Alex) So...they can hold off by themselves

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